I. IT is said to strut out when it comes forth beyond its C•…•…it, so as the lid cannot cover it, or not well cover it.
II. It is known by Sight: The Causes are mostly inward, as In∣flammation,
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I. IT is said to strut out when it comes forth beyond its C•…•…it, so as the lid cannot cover it, or not well cover it.
II. It is known by Sight: The Causes are mostly inward, as In∣flammation,
Blows, hard La∣bour, Straining vehemently, Strangling.
III. The Cure. Let it be gent∣ly put into its place (otherwise, if it cannot be reduced, it is to be removed:) and being reduced, let it be kept in its place by a fit Bandage; a Bolster being also applied, dipt in our Aqua Ophthalmica, described in our Pharm. Lond. Lib. 5. Cap. 1. Sect. 14.
IV. Or you may dip it in our Aqua Regulata, described in our Phylaxa, Lib. 1. Cap. 1. Others advise to dip it in a Decoction of Sloes; or in this: ℞ Pomgra∣nate Peels and Flowers, Nut-galls, Sumach Berries a. ℥i. red Wine q.s. boil and make a Decoction.
V. The Bolster you may make of red Rose-leaves, Rosemary-flowers and Camomil-flowers; which be∣ing put into a Bag, may be moistned with any of the afore∣named things.
VI. Apply to the Forehead a Defensative; for which purpose you may use Mynsichts Cataplasm of a Swallows Nest: Afterwards apply to the Forehead and Tem∣ples Emplastrum Cephalicum.
VII. An Eye hanging out of its Orbit the breadth of a Finger, was put into its place, and cured with the following Cataplasm, without offence to the Sight. ℞ leaves of Mallows, Marsh∣mallows, Rue, Housleek a. M. i. whites of Eggs No iv. Meals or Flower of Barly, Beans, and Lin∣seed a. ℥ss. Camphir, Saffron a. ʒss. Oil of Roses ʒiss. Breast-milk ℥ij. Rose-water q.s. mix and make a Cataplasm, by only mixing, with∣out boiling; and apply it warm.
VIII. At opening of it, drop into the Eye our aforemention∣ed Aqua Regulata; or put in this Ointment: ℞ fine Aloes, Camphir, long and round Birth∣wort-roots a. ʒi. red Coral, Pearl prepared a. ʒiss. Sief Album ʒij. Crocus Martis, levigated Calx of Flints a. ʒiij. Glass of Antimony ℈i. white Sugar-candy ℥ij. clari∣fied Honey ℥iv. boil a little, and make an Ʋnguent.