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I. THE Dismembring Knife, has an use according to the Title, viz. in Amputation, or to take off any Member or part of Mans Body, so far as re∣spects the fleshy or soft parts, even to the Bone. One may serve for the Chest, provided it be sharp, well ground, of good Metal, and not too thin edged Tab. 8. F.
II. The Trepan is of use for Fractures of the Skull, where there is Contusion, and a de∣pression of both the Tables. §1. Be sure the Instrument be good, and without faults, and clean from Rust. §2. The place where the blow was given is not always to be chosen to set the Trepan upon, sometimes the Fracture is found at a good di∣stance off, and therefore you must consider the complaint of the Patient, with respect to the feeling of your Fingers. §3. When the place is found, the Hair is to be shaved off a∣bout the breadth of four Fin∣gers round. §4. This done, have in a readiness all fit Medi∣cines and Instruments to apply to, and bind up the Wound a∣gain, as Spunges, Ligatures, Hot-water, &c. and if a Flux of Blood hinder not, foment with Posca, or Wine and Ho∣ney. §5. It will do also well to have a Restrictive ready made with Bole, Water, Vinegar and an Egg; or the Pulvis Astrin∣gens, as also Oleum & Mel Rosa∣rum, Linimentum Arcaei. §6. The Germans seldom or never use this Instrument: nor is it to be used too hastily; for we dai∣ly see many dangerous Fractures healed without it; there is not one in ten that justly requires it. §7. Therefore by reason of the danger, the young Artist may first make Experience upon a Calves or Sheeps Head, till he can well and easily take out a piece of the Bone. See the fur∣ther use hereafter. The Instru∣ment, see Tab. 1. Let. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. M. The Male Trepan E. F. The Female G. H. I. M. the point of the Male. A. B. the head of the Trepan.
III. The Trafine is an Instru∣ment only of Iron; the use thereof is necessary in pricking of the Skull, that does not pe∣netrate both the Tables, that with them the print made upon the Skull may be taken away. See Tab. 1. Let. K. L. Tab. 7. Lev. K. which is the Instrument it self. One of the Shanks may be Triangular, and then it may be used for the small Trepan.
IV. The Levatory large. It is an Instrument used in the de∣pression of the Skull: this raises