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Title:  True Catholic and apostolic faith maintain'd in the Church of England by Andrew Sall ... ; being a reply to several books published under the names of J.E., N.N. and J.S. against his declaration for the Church of England, and against the motives for his separation from the Roman Church, declared in a printed sermon which he preached in Dublin.
Author: Sall, Andrew, 1612-1682.
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once sincerely: what it it that makes you so eager for the worship of Images? is it any di∣vine precept that moves or forces to it? we ne∣ver heard you talk of any such precept, and there is at least a very probable assurance of a precept of God extant, prohibiting under terrible pe∣nalty such a worship. There is moreover a cer∣tain danger of occasioning, in the ruder sort, a downright gross Idolatry, by an absolute direct worship of the Images you set up to be wor∣shipped, without those distinctions and precisions wherewith you pretend to justify your practice. Of which Ludovicus Vives gives this testimony; Vives in Comm. ad August. de Civitate Dei I. 8. c. ultimo.Divos divasque non alitèr venerantur quam Deum ipsum, nec video in multis quod discrimen sit inter eo∣rum opinionem de Sanctis, & id quod Gentiles pu tabant de Diis suis. They worship holy Men and Women no otherwise then God himself; nei∣ther do I see in many things wherein their o∣pinion touching Saints differs from that of Pa∣gans, concerning their Gods. Polydor Virgil speaks to the same purpose in these words, Multi sut saltem rudiores qui ligneas, saxeas, marmoreas, aeneas, item in parietibus pictas Ima∣gines colunt, non ut figuras, sed perinde quasi ipsae sensum aliquem habeant, quique eis magis fidunt quam Christo ipsi, aut aliis Divis quibus dicati fuerunt. In the Church of Rome there are many who worship Images of stocks, stones, brass, or painted on Walls, not as figures, but even as if they had some sense in them, and who put more trust in them then in Christ himself, or in the Saints to whom they are dedicated.0