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Title:  The memoires of the Dutchess Mazarine out of French.
Author: Mazarin, Hortense Mancini, duchesse de, 1646-1699.
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to tax me with a Business so known to the World as the Friendship and Union that was betwixt my Sister the Constable, my Brother, and my Self.The whole Court of France have seen a Letter, which he writ from Rome sometime after our Marriages, wherein he represents to one of his Friends, his Happiness in having two Sisters whom he loved so well, living in two of the Greatest and most Fa∣mous Cityes of the World, Rome and Paris. He ended his Letter with these two Verses.And thus I pass my dayes in great Delight,With Wise Mary, and Hartensia Bright.It is not unluckily, but that Monsi∣eur Mazarine would have made use of these Verses, in his Suit, if my Sister (whom he endeavoured to gain, and set against me) had not been con∣cerned in them as well as I: For, they are, at least, as Criminal and Faulty as the other Letter, of which he made 0