Inquiry to be made against Ingrossers.
That the Justices of the Peace within their several Divisions have regard that Ingrossers of Corn be carefully looked unto, and inquisi∣tions to be made for knowledge of them, so as they may be severely punished according to the Law: And where such are found, to make Certificates, their names and dwellings, and of the proofs to the Queens Majesties Atturney general for the time being, who is di∣rected speedily to enform against them for the same▪ and to see that none be permitted to buy any Corn to sell again, but by special Li∣cence, and that of all manner of Licences by Justices of the Peace or by any other Authority, the parties that shall have such Licenses, shall cause an entry to be made in the books of the Peace remaining with the Custos Rotulorum, or the Clerk of the Peace; for entry whereof the party shall not pay above two pence, and thereof the Custos Rotulorum, or the Clerk shall keep a good Register to be shewed to the Justices, whensoever they shall require the sight thereof.