A short account of the Company of Grocers from their original : together with their case and condition (in their present circumstances) truly stated : as also how their revenue is settled for payment of their charities, and provision made for the well-governing their members and mystery, to preserve a succession in their society : designed for information of all, and benefit of the members, and for satisfaction and encouragement of their friends and benefactors.
Ravenhill, W. L. D.
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THE CONCLUSION, In a few Motives to Good Works, as the very Life and Soul of Religion, and the best Evidence of a sincere Christian.

*HAving thus stated the condition of the Company, as it long flourished in Splendor, and gradually through various Pro∣vidences, and the sad Effects of War and Fire; how it groaned of late under so great pressure in its sadder Circumstances: And having set before you the happy encouragement already now given, and the Methods propounded again to raise and restore this Company to its former splendor,* I now tu n to the Honourable and Worthy Mem∣bers of whom it consists: And you, my noble and good Masters, under whom I hold my Station in this place, I most humbly pray you (of your wonted Benignity) to bear with my Zeal and Freedom, and the boldness I assume, most humbly to move you, to set to your helping hands in this Work, so excellent and acceptable to God and every good Man.

*1. By remembring you of those eminent good Charities, for which those Worthy Members who went before you in former times, and are to this day celebrated; and have left us such grounds as (being now built) gives us the prospect of a great Revenue when the Leases are out, which (though far distant) are and will be every year (like useful Timber) a more growing hope to Posterity.

*2. That you would not only think it enough to praise them, but be provoked by a generous Emulation, to follow their Example, liberally and bountifully to afford your Assistence, not only to secure, but also to increase this growing hope, that our Burthen and Reproach being re∣moved, our Benefactors may be encouraged, and this Society still pre∣served Page  23 a Seminary of good Merchants, and as a Treasury of Charity; that so the succeeding Generations may Bless and Honour you, as much as you do those Worthy Members in former times, when your Names shall be recorded, as Raisers and Restorers of the Company of Gro∣cers.

3. That what you doe, you would doe speedily; whereby you will draw on others, that need quickening and encouragement, by your Example; and in so doing, you will not only have the Comfort of what you doe your selves, but be the happy Promoters in others, of what the Company will have cause to bless God, and give you thanks for.

4. That you will consider how great a deliverance you had to escape the late dreadful Fire with your lives; and how Gracious God hath been to you still, to entrust you with his Talents for improvement (as Stewards) in his Work: And that this Company which suffered so much in that Calamity, hath no other Hands but yours to repair her breaches.

5. That you can have no such true comfort in the World on a Sick Bed, or in any other Calamity, as to be conscious of doing good Works of this Nature, when as faithful Stewards of that which is not consigned to you into Property, but into Trust, you have (as Good and Faithful Servants) but well disposed of a Parcel of your great Lord's Estate, according to his own Will.

And for your encouragement, this is a Work most acceptable to God, and inviting to every good Man, the Redemption, Relief, and Support of the most Ancient and Illustrious Corporation in this Metropolis, with all her numerous Offspring, the Aged, the Widow, and the Father∣less, the Blind, the Lame, and the Impotent, all that God (who is Wisdom and Goodness) himself commends (after his own example) to your Charity, and as capable of Alms, with most extensive Blessings,* Promises of Rewards, and to be neglected under the most severe Threat∣nings and Punishments.

And farther, this your kindness will not perish as a Meals-Meat,* or a draught of cold Water (though that has encouragement, a Man would think, that will give credit to our Saviour himself,) but this your Cha∣rity will be as a lasting Seed, laid on the purest Foundation of those Holy and Good Men, who were our Pious Founders, and whose Names, after so many hundred years, smell sweet and blossom in the dust; and are now Blessed with God, receiving the Recompense of their Reward, whilst their Works follow them, and praise them in the Gates; so that what you shall here bestow, will be to open and feed those Fountains, as their lasting and refreshing Comforts and Relief.

For though Good Works in themselves (as flowing back to the Foun∣tain from whence they spring) can be no way meritorious; yet they have Page  24 been always so acceptable to God,* that we find in every Age, Estates and Honour continue longest in the Name and Family of such as have been most diffusive in Works of this Nature, that if it were modest to render a reason, why so many great Estates are sooner wasted by a loose Heir, than gotten by his frugal Parent, it may be well presumed, it is because so little of it was bestowed to such uses, when Men return so little to God, to whom they owe all they have; and most assuredly no Article in your Account at the great Audit, will be sooner allowed to* cover many other Errors, than what is thus disposed. And now as Spice is a great Ingredient in this Mystery, and is a part of your Arms, so I pray con∣sider how Alms in Scripture are called, an Odor of a sweet-smelling Savour;* and it is these Perfumes that will prove acceptable to God, and have a good Savour amongst Men. So I conclude, with my Prayers to Almighty God, to incline all your Hearts, according to your several Degrees and Qualities in this great Work, to acquit your selves as good Men, and as good Citizens and Grocers; and that I may be happy in discharge of my Duty, which alone moved me to make this my humble Address to you all, and shall be my endeavours to perform.

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