The Quakers refuge fixed upon the rock of ages, though the swelling waters dash never so violently to overturn it wherein is prov'd, that the narrative of Ralph James is an absolute lying-wonder, according to his own definition : and also, the great controversie between the people of God called Quakers, and others, about the holy spirit of God and the Scriptures, truly stated, and very briefly discoursed, as it is owned by the Quakers, and the truth cleared from the false suggestions and deceitful insinuations of the anabaptists about the said controversie : in answer to a subtil pamphlet, lately published, intituled, The Quakers subterfuge or evasion overturned : also a few queries propounded unto Ralph James, and the author of the subterfuge &c.
Ruckhill, Robert., Whitehead, John, 1630-1696.

A few Queries to Ralph James, and the Author of the Subterfuge Overturned, &c. by them to be Answered in Truth and Plainness.

I. WHether is our Lord Jesus Christ (whom the Scriptures testifie to be the Light and Sal∣vation of God to the Ends of the Earth) the only true Way of Life on high to avoid from Hell beneath, yea, or nay? If yea, then whether to affirm Water-Baptism to be the Way of Life on high, to avoid from Hell be∣neath, be not abominable Idolatry at least, if not Blas∣phemy?

II. Supposing Water-Baptism were the Appointment of God (as other things of like signification in former Dispensations have been) yet if the Ministers thereof should Idolatrously intrude it into the Place and Office of Page  30Christ our Saviour; that is, affirm it to be the Way of Life, to avoid from Hell beneath; whether such Idola∣trous intrusion be not as signal a Pollution of the said Ordinance of Water-baptism, as the like Abuse of the Ordi∣nances of God Isa. 1. did pollute, and render them abo∣minable unto the Lord? If yea, then whether it be not high time for all and every Man concerned therein to a∣rise, and depart thence, as not being their Rest, it being so filthily polluted?

III. Seeing the Latin Verb, baptizo, is synonimous with the Greek 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, which signifies to dip or plunge; whether T. R. his calling your Water Baptism dipping in Water, or your calling it the Way of Life on high to avoid from Hell beneath, be the greater Abuse of the Way of the Lord, and therein of God himself? An∣swer plainly.

IV. Seeing it appears by the Scriptures, that the A∣postles of our Lord Jesus Christ wrought their Miracles,* and cured Diseases by the Name of Jesus of Nazareth; then, Whether the Sons of Sceva, their pretending to do the like Miracles by the same Name, doth prove them to speak the very Language, and Spirit of the Apostles, yea, or nay? If nay, (as most certainly nay) then with what Reason or Conscience canst thou affirm, that R. Anderson in exhorting R. James to turn to the Light within, spake the very Language and Spirit of the Quakers? this Query is to the Author of the Subterfuge, &c. that he may clear himself from Deceit, if he can.

Page  31V. Whether the Testimony which that Pythoness gave unto the Persons and Doctrine of the Apostle Paul and Sylas, is not given as fully,* and at as high a Rate, as any Testimony ye can pretend R. An∣derson gave to the Persons or Doctrine of the Quakers? And whether in such Testimony she appeared as a Pro∣selite of the Christian Faith, and as a Prophetess of the Christians, yea, or nay? if nay, then shew unto the Quakers, and the whole Nation, if you can, why R. An∣derson his testifying for the Persons and Way of the Qua∣kers (as ye pretend he did, but prove it not) should prove him a Quaker; or appearing as one of their Prophets? he being (by your own Confession) at that Time possessed with a Spirit of Delusion, as she was then with a Spirit of Divination.

VI. Seeing R. James avers in his Narrative, That R. Anderson pronounced him a Leper from the Crown of the Head to the Sole of the Foot, and that the same Judgment (as he said) was fallen upon one of his Children: Whether you are not very deceitfull, and unworthy Persons, thus to abuse the Quakers, and the whole Nation, with a Counterfeit and orged Story of such a horrid Leprosie, sith in ex∣change thereof you are (now at last) glad to accept of a Simple Sore? And if ye think to avoid the Horror of your Guilt and Shame with this Evasion, He said so, he said so, (charging the poor Man your own Member with a Lye) Then Whither doth not this evidence to the whole Na∣tion your implacable Envy, and Malice against an Inno∣cent People, that durst (with so great Confidence) at∣tempt Page  32to asperse and slander them, only upon the false and single say so, of such a Person as even your selves then judged to be a false Prophet, and possessed with a Spirit of Delusion? And if your inveterate Envy and Malice herein be manifest to the Nation, as doubtless it is, then let the Nation and the whole World judge, whether R. James be not infected with a more dangerous Leprosie then ever Mirjam was, and like to continue so (without Repentance) until his Dying Day.

VII. It being evident to the Nation that R. Anderson was no Quaker, his Child not leprous, his Wife and Family not so diseased, as you pretended, nor your Church such Workers of Miracles, as you boasted; but your whole pretence a meer malicious Juggle and Imposture, which yet you pretend to be an Eminent Hand of God! Such a Witness of God, little less then a Miracle, ten∣ding to the Honour of God, Exaltation of his Wayes, and Appointments, Establishments of his People, De∣cision of the great Controversie, Strength to the weak Hands, and feeble Knees of his poor People, &c. and then to conclude thus, And the Lord was mercifully pleased to hear our poor Prayers for them, and to restore them, &c. with such like seeming devout Words wherewith your Letters and Narrative are repleat: All this considered, its queried, whether the Quakers, and the whole Nati∣on, may not (without the least Breach of Charity) safe∣ly conclude, that ye Anabaptists and Independents, who have been either Actors, Contrivers, Asserters of, or Witnesses to this Mischievous piece of Pageantry, are the most notorious Dissemblers with God and the World, Page  33and the very'st Hypocrites that ever our Lord Jesus Christ pronounced Wo against? Quit your selves if you can.

VIII. Whether they that make no Conscience to be Jugglers, Lyars, Hypocrites, proud Boasters, and the like; or they that discover, detect and affirm them to be such, are the great Offenders?

IX. Whether they that call and are call'd Rabbi, Rabbi, do not break that express Command of Christ, Mat. 23.8, 10. yea, or nay? If nay, then shew, when that Pre∣cept was abrogated? and if yea, then whether are not they that call, and are called, Mr. Ralph James, Mr. Ben. Morley, Mr. John Green, &c. Breakers of that plain Com∣mand, and being guilty of that, are guilty of all, not∣withstanding their Water-Baptism?

Let these Queries be answered plainly, and in sound words; and think not to solve one Query by propoun∣ding another.

R. R.