been inserted, you are to supply it out of another by varying in this manner your rules; as in the Eleventh House also you see there is omitted Elections touching making of agreements between friends at variance, &c. but you have that delivered in the second Chapter of the fourth Section, which may serve in the Eleventh or any other House by exactly changing your Significators; and so likewise any other thing you must supply in this nature, for it were both tedious and superfluous thus to make repetition.
As touching riding of Horses for any Race, or to win at such a time, fit the Ascen∣dent, its Lord, the Moon and its Dispositor, as also the Planet to whom they are joined, also Part of Fortune, and its Dispositor, and make the Lord of the Ascen∣dent and the Moon apply thereunto, and then place the Lord of the Hour in the Ascendent at that time he steps out of the stable.
But if all these cannot be observed, place the Lord of the hour (to be sure) in the Ascendent and fortifie the Moon, and place her if you can in Sagittary, or in the first half of Libra, and look that neither the Lord of the hour, the Moon, nor the Lord of the Ascendent be in their fall, for that denotes the horse shall fall in the race before he come to
The End.