The Romish mass-book with notes and observations thereupon, plainly demonstrating the idolatry and blaspheymy thereof with unanswerable arguments proving it no service of God : published at this juncture to inform mens judgments and put a stop to the designs of those that endeavor to introduce popery amongst us
R. V., T. D., 17th cent.

The Gradual with Alleluya tracti & sequencies.

The Responsary which is called the Gradual (be∣ing wont to be sung at the steps going up) with Alleluya, Honorius saith, that Ambrose made them, but Pope Gregory ordained them to be received.

Upon festival days, the sequencies which were wont to be sung, were chiefly composed by an Abbot called Nokkerus des gallo, and by Pope Nicholas commanded to be sung in the Mass.

The Gradual, the people were wont to sing when the Bishop was about to go up to the Pulpit, or some higher standing, where the word of God might be the better and more sensibly heard at his mouth, Read∣ing the Epistle and the Gospel.