The Romish mass-book with notes and observations thereupon, plainly demonstrating the idolatry and blaspheymy thereof with unanswerable arguments proving it no service of God : published at this juncture to inform mens judgments and put a stop to the designs of those that endeavor to introduce popery amongst us
R. V., T. D., 17th cent.

The Pax.

Innocentius ordained the Pax to be given to the People. Pacis ait, osculum dandum post confect a ••∣steria & constet populum ad omnia qua in misteri aguntur prebuisse consensum &c.

Peter Martyr in his Comentaries in Jud. sait that it was brought in by Pope Leo the Second as it is said, yet he supposeth the same, not to 〈◊〉 so, saying, that this was an antient custom in the A∣postles time for Christians to salute one another with the Kiss of peace &c.

To this of Peter Martyr, agreeth also Gabr Biel writing in these words, porrexit in primiti•• Ecclesia Sacerdos osculum pacis ministro, ctexis i partindm ut per hoc significaret &c. That is, 〈◊〉 the primitive Church the Priest gave a Kiss of Pea•• to the Minister, to be given by him to the Peopl