The Romish mass-book with notes and observations thereupon, plainly demonstrating the idolatry and blaspheymy thereof with unanswerable arguments proving it no service of God : published at this juncture to inform mens judgments and put a stop to the designs of those that endeavor to introduce popery amongst us
R. V., T. D., 17th cent.
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This Priest is terribly in Love with the Table, for he kisses it often, a piece of Complaisance, he is well skill'd in, &c.—his backside is towards the People, because the Situation of their Churches, are Eastwards, but when he Complements them, he Vouchsafes to turn about, with his Dominus vo∣biscum; but his main Business is to talk with the Altar-trash before him.

Here his Lordship the Bishop, when he says Mass, instead of Dominus Vobiscum, the Lord be with you, is to say, Pax Domini sit semper Vobis∣um, let the Peace of God be always with you; in spight of the Bracarean Councel about the time of Pope Honorius the first, who Enacted that both Bishop and Priest should salute the People after one and the same Fashion.

This Oremus of the Priest, which signifies Let us Pray, should denote that the People which are at Mass should understand what is said, else how can they Pray with him, when he uses a strange Lan∣guage? see 1 Cor. 14. 2. to the 28 Verse.

The Epistle in Corpus Christi day, is taken from the 1 Cor. 11. from verse 24. to 29. which of it self Confutes this Abominable Mass. And if the words are to be understood without a Trope, then the Cup must needs be the New Testament, and not blood. See 1 Cor. 11. 25. and the other Evange∣lical Texts that treat of the Lords Supper. Note al∣so by the way, that that Piece of the Epistle to the Corinthians, mentioned just now, is ill Tran∣slated in this Mass-Book, and worse applyed; For if we compare the Mass with the Lords Supper here described, we shall find it to have no face nor form of the same; which Paul expresly saith, he received of the Lord, not daring to add or dimi∣nish Page  56 from the Institution; But alas! what a Mass indeed of Blasphemy and Superstition, is this Popish Mass! and what a rabble of Nensensical and Wretch∣ed Ceremonies, out-doing the silly Heathens, attend it? In a word, it is no more a kin to the Evan∣gelical Sacrament, then the Bottomless Pit (from whence it came) is to Heaven.

Then follows their Gradual, Sequence, and Prose, as Foppish, and Ridiculous as the rest, and therefore Omitted, that we may hasten to the Canon it self, or very body of their Mass.