The Romish mass-book with notes and observations thereupon, plainly demonstrating the idolatry and blaspheymy thereof with unanswerable arguments proving it no service of God : published at this juncture to inform mens judgments and put a stop to the designs of those that endeavor to introduce popery amongst us
R. V., T. D., 17th cent.

(1) Here to be sure the Priest chuses the largest Cake to mke a lustier God for himself (which is onely when some of the Parish Communicates with him,) and then eats him, (washing it down with his Blood) but not a drop for the people. His God is a large one, and Capers about as the Page  9 spiritual Magician Charms, whilst the other little Diminutives lie sneaking till the grand VVafer makes its Exit into the Priests unsanctified Guts. But O what a Comedy is it to see, how many Freaks, Gam∣bals, and Antick Tricks our God-maker plays, what Tossings, Cringings, postures, Adorations, before the poor God is devoured; This is a meer Comi-Tragedy.

(2) Here he makes many Gods in a lump, and therefore should rather say, These are my Bodies. As for the Blood, he may indeed say it, for he turns no Wine into Blood save for his own God; so that the rest have either no Blood, or else the Blood is made at the same time with their Bodies, if so, what needs the Priest make a Distinct Blood for the Body he eats, for without Blood the Body is a meer Carcass▪ and therefore the rest▪ onely eat a Dead Body—or if the Blood be in it, they are worse than Canibals to eat their supposed Living God; since it is more Cru∣el and Barbarous to eat that which has life in it, then that which is Dead.