Synodicon in Gallia reformata, or, The acts, decisions, decrees, and canons of those famous national councils of the reformed churches in France being I. a most faithful and impartial history of the rise, growth, perfection and decay of the reformation in that kingdom, with its fatal catastrophe upon the revocation of the Edict of Nants in the year 1685 : II. the confession of faith and discipline of those churches : III. a collection of speeches, letters, sacred politicks, cases of conscience, and controversies in divinity, determined and resolved by those grave assemblies : IV. many excellent expedients for preventing and healing schisms in the churches and for re-uniting the dismembred body of divided Protestants : V. the laws, government, and maintenance of their colleges, universities and ministers, together with their exercise of discipline upon delinquent ministers and church-members : VI. a record of very many illustrious events of divine providence relating to those churches : the whole collected and composed out of original manuscript acts of those renowned synods : a work never be extant in any language.

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Synodicon in Gallia reformata, or, The acts, decisions, decrees, and canons of those famous national councils of the reformed churches in France being I. a most faithful and impartial history of the rise, growth, perfection and decay of the reformation in that kingdom, with its fatal catastrophe upon the revocation of the Edict of Nants in the year 1685 : II. the confession of faith and discipline of those churches : III. a collection of speeches, letters, sacred politicks, cases of conscience, and controversies in divinity, determined and resolved by those grave assemblies : IV. many excellent expedients for preventing and healing schisms in the churches and for re-uniting the dismembred body of divided Protestants : V. the laws, government, and maintenance of their colleges, universities and ministers, together with their exercise of discipline upon delinquent ministers and church-members : VI. a record of very many illustrious events of divine providence relating to those churches : the whole collected and composed out of original manuscript acts of those renowned synods : a work never be extant in any language.
Quick, John, 1636-1706.
London :: Printed for T. Parkhurst and J. Robinson ...,

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"Synodicon in Gallia reformata, or, The acts, decisions, decrees, and canons of those famous national councils of the reformed churches in France being I. a most faithful and impartial history of the rise, growth, perfection and decay of the reformation in that kingdom, with its fatal catastrophe upon the revocation of the Edict of Nants in the year 1685 : II. the confession of faith and discipline of those churches : III. a collection of speeches, letters, sacred politicks, cases of conscience, and controversies in divinity, determined and resolved by those grave assemblies : IV. many excellent expedients for preventing and healing schisms in the churches and for re-uniting the dismembred body of divided Protestants : V. the laws, government, and maintenance of their colleges, universities and ministers, together with their exercise of discipline upon delinquent ministers and church-members : VI. a record of very many illustrious events of divine providence relating to those churches : the whole collected and composed out of original manuscript acts of those renowned synods : a work never be extant in any language." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 10, 2024.


CHAP. XXX. A Donative to Monsieur Chamier.

44. MOnsieur Chamier Pastor of Montlimard, presenting unto this Coun∣cil the very learned Works of his most Reverend Father, which he published at the desire of several former National Synods. The Council judging it equitable to testify that great respect and honour they ever had for his Father, of blessed Memory, and to give some acknowledgment of the Churches Debt and Thankfulness for the many and eminent Services he had once rendered them, and these his incomparable Labours now dedicated to it, do offer the Sum of three hundred Livers presently to be given him by Mr. Cooper, out of the general Stock of the Churches: And further, there shall two free Portions more be distributed to him out of the Dividend, which will befal the Province of Dolphiny, and shall be paid in unto the said Monsieur Chamier, betwixt this and the next National Synod.

45. This Synod considering the long-continued Sufferings of the Sieur Constant, during his Imprisonment in the Clink of the Common Goal of Bourdeaux, and the great Expences he must needs have been at for the get∣ting his Enlargement, voted and decreed, That out of the general Stock of Monies belonging to all our Churches, there shall be drawn out three free Por∣tions,

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and delivered to him,* 1.1 betwixt this and the next National Synod, by the Lord of Candall.

46. Monsieur Belliot petitioning the Synod to have compassion on him, because of his many and great Necessities, sore Afflictions, and Losses which he hath sustained, during his long Imprisonment in Bourdeaux; There was a Portion and half free of all Charges and Taxes whatsoever, ordered to be paid him by the Lord of Candall, until the next National Synod.

47. The Sieurs Petit and Duranty, Deputies from the Church of Nismes, made their Addresses unto this Synod, That it would be pleased to grant them Monsieur Baux, Pastor of the Church of Mazamet, to be their Mi∣nister. After hearing the Provincial Deputies of Lower Languedoc on the one hand, who joined with the said Gentlemen in their Demand; and on the other hand the Deputies of Mazamet aforesaid, Monsieur Baux him∣self, and other Deputies of the Higher Languedoc who opposed their Peti∣tion; A Vote past, that this Business should be carried back unto the next Synod of Higher Languedoc, which is ordered to provide for the Church of Mazawet, and to grant the Church of Nismes effectually their Re∣quest.

48. The said Sieurs, Petit and Duranty, did farther petition this Na∣tional Synod, That by their Authority Monsieur Chambrun, who was re∣moved unto the City of Orange by the National Synod of Alez, might be restored back again unto the Church of Nismes. But the Synod answered, That the said Deputies should apply themselves unto the Church of Orange; and in case of their refusal, then unto the Colloquy of Baronniers in Dol∣phiny, and so to get their Petition answered according to their Hearts de∣sire.

49. The Church of Ʋsez deputed the Sieur L' Exque with Letters unto this Council, petitioning that Monsieur Buez, Pastor in the Church of Cournon-Terrail, might be conferr'd upon them for their Pastor. The said Church was ordered to apply it self unto the next Synod of Lower Langue∣doc, which is injoined to dispose the said Buez to comply with the Desire of the Church of Ʋsez, because of its great Importance, and for that there is very great and good Reason the said Synod should yield unto their Re∣quests.

50. The Synod being informed by the Deputies of Burgundy, that the Church of Paillac was at present unprovided, and considering its great Im∣portance, ordereth that Monsieur Repasseau, a Pastor now at Liberty, shall be sent unto that Church, to serve them as their own Pastor; and notice hereof shall be given them, by Letters signed by the Officers of this Natio∣nal Synod.

51. The Lord of Quelus presenting Letters from the Church of Anduze, petitioning, that Monsieur Vinay, Pastor of the Church of Annonay, might be given them for their Pastor. After that the said Vinay, and the Deputies of the Province of Vivaretz and Sevennes had been heard, their Petition was remanded back unto the next Synod of Vivaretz, who were intreated to have a particular respect, both to the Person of the said Monsieur Vinay, and his Preservation, and the great Importance of the said Church; that so, as the Welfare of that Church on the one hand, and Christian Charity on the other required, that worthy Minister might be treated with all possible Respect and Kindness.

52. The next Synod of Lower Languedoc, which is charged to call Mon∣sieur Ressent to account for his Actings, shall be informed, that the Sieur Mercurin declared in this Council, that the said Ressent sent him, against his will, unto the Commissioners, Crubellier and Chambrun; and abusing of his easiness and good Nature, never declared to him the Contents of the Letter of Credit he sent by him; insomuch that when he came unto Vouert

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and Orange, he was constrained to make up his Errand from what he could recollect of Discourses past betwixt him and the said Ressent.

53. The Colloquy of Ambrun is ordered to judg finally in that Difference betwixt the Church of Cisteron, and the Sieur Mercurin, and that by Au∣thority from this Council.

54. There is given an hundred Livers unto Mr. Repasseau, for the Supply of his present Wants, and to help transport his Houshold-Goods unto Pail∣lac, and the said Sum shall be paid him out of the common Mass of Moneys belonging to all our Churches.

55. Whereas Monsieur Barre, Doctor of Civil Law, and Advocate at Montlimard, hath composed a Treatise concerning Antichrist, and which hath been perused by several Divines commissionated thereunto, and they giving a very laudable and good Account thereof, it was approved also by this Synod.

56. Monsieur Sarazin, Pastor of the Church of Campagne, had leave given him to quit the Province of Higher Languedoc, and to accept of a Call from any Church in the Province of Burgundy, but always upon this Condition, That he do not leave the Church of Campagne before the Sessi∣ons of the Colloquy of Lower Quercy, who are impowered fully to dis∣charge the said Sarazin, and to take care that that Church be not left de∣stitute.

57. The Lord Commissioner Galland was humbly intreated to write unto the Lord President of the Parliament of Tholouse, on behalf of divers Inha∣bitants of Briteste, because Warrants were issued out to apprehend them, and make them Prisoners, although the Matter for which they are in Trou∣ble, hath been pardoned by his Majesties Act of Grace and Indemnity.

58. The Memoirs of Monsieur Rennoy, Pastor of the Church of Coluisson, were presented unto this Assembly by Monsieur Petit, and were delivered unto the Deputies of Lower Languedoc, who were to carry them unto their next Provincial Synod, which was charged in an especial manner to consider of them.

59. Thirty Livers were ordered unto Nicolas Severin, out of the com∣mon stock of our Churches, but on this Condition, that he never trouble us with his Petitions more; and the Provinces shall take care to detain their Poor at home, that these National Synods may be no more urged with their Importunities.

60. There was given as a Gratuity out of the best Moneys belonging to the Churches, four hundred and fifty Livers unto Monsieur Cooper, Deputy to the Lord of Candall.

61. An hundred Livers were ordered unto Sir Augustus Galland, his Ma∣jesties Commissioner in this Council, out of the clearest Moneys of our Churches, to defray the Charges he was at in the Business of the Church of Froqualquier.

62. Out of its supernumerary Portions, the Province of Lower Lan∣guedoc shall pay the Sum of thirty Livers unto Monsieur Noguier, at which the Charges of his Journey hither, have been assessed by the Council.

63. Over and besides what he may else need to get off the Writ of Impri∣sonment, issued forth against him by the Privy Council, and which had turned over his Cause to be heard in the Court of Beziers, there was granted the Sum of one hundred Livers unto Monsieur Pontel, which he shall re∣ceive out of the common Stock of the Churches Moneys.

64. Twenty Livers out of the same Fund was given unto the common Crier of the City of Castres.

65. Sixty Livers were given to the Door-keeper of the Council, out of the same Stock; and he is recommended unto the Lords, Consuls and Ma∣gistrates of this City of Castres, that they would be pleased to restore him

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unto his Office of Regent, which he hath formerly exercised in their Colledg.

66. The Lord of Candall is intreated to advance out of the half Portion granted unto Monsieur Mercurin, Pastor of the Church of Grasse, as much as will be requisite to take off the Writ of Arrest against him in the King's Privy Council, that so the Parliament of Provence may be deprived of the Knowledg of those Matters, for which he is in Trouble, and do so very much hinder him in the Discharge of his ministerial Duties and Calling.

67. The next Synod of Higher Languedoc, are charged to present Mon∣sieur Grasset, Pastor of the Church in the Isle of Jourdain, unto the Mini∣stery and pastoral Care of the Church of Mazamet, and to provide the Church in the aforesaid Island of another Minister.

68. The Matters concerning the Church of Sarverettes, were particu∣larly recommended unto the Lord of Montmartyn our General Deputy.

69. The Province of Higher Languedoc is intreated to consider the Losses sustained by Monsieur Daneau, Pastor of the Church of Castres, in the for∣mer and latter Wars, that so out of their Charity he may receive some Re∣lief and Comfort.

70. Seven hundred Livers were given unto the Children of Monsieur Cameron deceased, as a Testimony of that Honour we have for his Name and Memory, and they shall also receive a yearly Portion from the Lord of Candall, until the next National Synod. Moreover, Monsieur Olier, who pleaded for the Church of Montauban, was told by the Council, that in case the said Church did not pay the eight hundred Livers in unto his Children, which they owed unto Monsieur Cameron their Father, and who was some∣time Pastor and Professor in their City and University, the like Sum should be detained from them by the Lord of Candall, out of the Moneys settled upon their University, that so their just Debts might that way be pay'd unto these poor Orphans; and the Moneys now given them, and those others due from Montauban, shall be deposited with their Guardian for their Use.

71. An hundred Livers were ordered to be paid unto Monsieur Bansillon, a worthy Minister, in Consideration of the many Damages he hath sustain∣ed, and they shall be paid him out of the general Stock of our Churches; nor shall this occasion the lessening of his Relief from the Province, who shall assist and help him in the Prosecution of his Suit; the Accompt where∣of shall be brought in to the next National Synod, to be perused and consi∣dered by them.

72. The Church of Vezenobre is recommended to the Charity of the Province of Sevennes.

73. Monsieur| 1.2 Mercat petitioning the Council to consider the Charges the Church of Pons have been at in getting the Inlargement of their Pastor Monsieur Constans, their Petition was remanded back unto the next Pro∣vincial Synod of Xaintonge, which is exhorted to assist that poor Church out of the supernumerary Portions couched in their Dividend.

74. In like manner the poor Churches of Masedazill, le's Bordes, Sava∣rat, and Camarades, are recommended to the Charity of the same Province, as is also Monsieur Marsillon, who hath been a very great Sufferer, that they would consider him more than ordinary.

75. Monsieur Baux informed this Synod, that if he should go to Nismes, and exercise his Ministry there, he had no certain Stipend promised him; and the Lords Petit and Duranty their Deputies, did tell him as much, that they had no Order from that Church, to make any Agreement with him about it, and the said Petit did confirm the same in open Council. Where∣upon the Church of Nismes was exhorted fully to content and satisfy the said Mr. Baux; and in case any Difference should arise about this matter, then it should be referred unto the Consistory of Montpellier, who were impowered by this present National Synod to decide it finally.

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76. Monsieur Bardon, Receiver of the Moneys appertaining to the Pro∣vince of Higher Languedoc, is intreated to advance unto the Family of Mon∣sieur Voisin, out of the first Moneys he shall receive, that free Portion, which was granted by this National Synod unto the said Family.

77. The Petition of the Church of Vielle Vigne, requesting that an hun∣dred Livers might be granted them for the keeping up of their School, was remanded back unto the Province of Brittain, who were charitably to con∣sider of it.

78. A Petition from the Church of Tressans was presented unto this Council by the Sieur Razes, who ordered the Province of Lower Languedoc to give the belt Assistance to it; and an Accompt of their Condition is to be brought in unto the next National Synod.

79. The Reverend Mr. Constans and Erondelle, gave in their Judgment about a Book writ by the Sieur Bufon, and perused by them: whereupon a Vote pass'd; that it should not be printed; and the Reasons moving the Council thereunto, shall be reported unto the said Buson by Monsieur Fort, one of the Deputies of the Lower Guyenne.

80. For as much as three free Portions had been allotted by the last Na∣tional Synod of Charenton, unto the Churches of Soulés, in case they were provided of a second Pastor: This Assembly authorizeth the Colloquy of Condonnois to examine that Proposan, who was said to be fit for the Mi∣nistry; and the Province of Lower Guyenne is charged to advance such a Sum as they shall judg needful for the Maintenance of a second Pastor, and to make Report thereof unto the next National Synod, which shall reim∣burse them those their Moneys.

81. This Council decreed, that out of the first Moneys which should be received, the Sum of two hundred Livers should be presented to each of our Professors in the University of Montauban and Saumur, for the Years one thousand six hundred twenty one, and twenty two, in which they re∣ceieved nothing.

82. The Province of Higher Languedoc understanding that there was a Dividend of Moneys made by this Council, demanded the Reimbursement of four hundred Livers, which in Obedience to a Decree of the last Synod at Charenton, they had paid in to Monsieur Berauld Professor of Divinity in the University of Montauban. But this their Demand was ordered to be brought into the next National Synod, who will take Care to see them have Restitution made of that aforesaid Sum disbursed by them.

83. The Accompt rendred by the Isle of France, for its Colledg, was ac∣cepted; and the Council voted, that the Censure pronounced against the said Province, should be razed out of the Acts of the last National Synod.

84. This Assembly not judging it convenient unto Reason to repeal its own Ordinance about Mr. Percy, did deposit that Act concerning several Heads of Families in the Church of Montflanquin, and those Acts of the Church of Bourdeaux, and of Monsieur Ferrand, in the Hands of the Depu∣ties of Lower Guyenne, who should make Report of them unto the next National Synod, to whom the final Judgment of this Affair is dismissed.

85. The Deputies of Dolphiny presented Letters from Monsieur de Piotet, Pastor of the Church of Molines, together with the Canons of our Natio∣nal Synods and Church-Discipline, compiled by him into a just Volume. Whereupon Commissioners were nominated to peruse this his Collection, and they bringing in a very favourable Report concerning it, Thanks were voted unto the said Monsieur Piotet, and that he should by Letters from this Assembly be advised of the Defects noted by the Commissioners in this his Work, that so he might compleat it, and render it more useful and ser∣viceable to the Churches.

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86. The Lord of Montmartyn, Deputy-General for our Churches, re∣porting unto this Assembly, that there were divers Orders which greatly imported the common Good of all our Churches, and which he had obtain∣ed some Years ago from the Privy Council, and of which it is very needful he should have the keeping, that he may produce them upon all Occasions and Occurrences, for the better Service of our Churches. And whereas several Deputies of the Provinces have remonstrated, that for the Informa∣tion of their Provinces, and the better inabling them to pursue and execute those Orders of Council, there is a Necessity that they should be possess'd of the said Originals, or at least of Copies most exactly transcribed from, and faithfully compared with them. This Assembly taking into Conside∣ration the many Copies of those Orders necessary for the Provinces, all of which cannot possibly have the said Originals, but with a great deal of Time and Expence of Moneys, did intreat the Lord Galland, his Majesties Commissioner to us, that he would be pleased to give himself the Trouble of collationing the Copies with the Originals, that so they may be of bet∣ter Use and Service to the Deputies and Provinces which have sent them, according as the Necessity of their Affairs may require.

87. The Magistrates of Castres having past a Judgment against Peter Pe∣ris, at the Request of Monsieur Constans, now that the Charges may be de∣frayed of that Process, an Order was given that the said Sieur Constans should presently receive four and twenty Livers.

88. Forty Livers were ordered unto the Transcriber of the Copies of that Cahier brought by the Magistrates of this City unto the Lord Montmartyn, and of the Accompts given us by the Lord of Candall.

89. As soon as the time of the Sieur Fabre's Suspension is expired, the Colloquy of Albigeois shall immediately assemble, and provide the Church of La Caune another Pastor.

90. Monsieur Combalasse, Pastor of the Church of Venez, prayed this Assembly to assist him, and the Widow of Monsieur Raffin deceased, with some Moneys, that they might bring their Law-suit to an End, about the Settlement of their Temple in the Town of Venez: But their Demand, as had been before in the like Case practised by the National Synod of Alez, was dismissed over to the next Provincial Synod of Higher Languedoc: And in the mean while this Council assured him, that they would improve all their Power and Interest to procure the said Settlement.

91. The Provincial Deputies of Burgundy, and the Lord of Beaufort, De∣puty for the Province of Sevennes, shall in their Return homeward pass through the Towns of Sauve and Anduze, and acquaint the Consistories there with the Intention of this Council, and shall do their best Indeavours to re∣concile the Sieurs Bony and Aldebert, and put to their helping Hand, that the Overseer of the Poor in the Town of Anduze, and the said Mr. Bony do agree upon Arbitrators, who may put a Period to their Differences.

92. The Proceedings formed against the Sieurs Peris and Jolly, were de∣livered unto the Provincial Deputies of Xaintonge and Higher Languedoc, in which Provinces they both lived before their Deposal: And the Pro∣ceedings against the Sieur Beraut was put into the Hands of Monsieur Baux.

93. The Council being informed of those excellent Gifts which the Lord hath liberally bestowed on Monsieur Godefrey, Doctor of the Civil Laws, and Professor of that Faculty in the University of Geneva, ordered Letters should be written to intreat him, because of his singular Knowledg in An∣tiquity, that he would discover and publish to the World those Artifices and Disguises used by Cardinal Baronius, and other Doctors of the Church of Rome, to corrupt and alter the true History of the Ancient Church.

94. The Lord Commissioner was intreated to write unto the Lord President of Tholouse, in Behalf of Monsieur Bidac, imprisoned at Som∣mieres, for abjuring the Errors and Idolatry of the Romish Church; and Mr. Petit was charged to carry unto that Parliament his Majesties Letters and Command, and to join themselves with the young Mr. Gal∣land, the Lord Commissioner's Son, who will be sent thither for this ve∣ry End by his Father.

95. The Lord of Candall is desired to pay unto Monsieur Mercurin the Sum of sixty Livers, which were given him by the National Synod of Vitré, and it shall be allowed him in his Accompt for the Moneys apper∣taining to our Churches.

96. Mr. Mestrezat and d'Huysseau presented Letters from the Church of Paris, most humbly petitioning that Monsieur Chauve, whom they had so often and earnestly requested for their Minister, might now at length be bestowed upon them: The Deputies also of the Isle of France joined with them in their Petition: But Mr. Chauve as earnestly intreated the Council that he might be continued in his Ministry unto the Church of Sommieres, because of its great Afflictions and present Necessities: And the Provincial Deputies of Lower Languedoc did with as much Im∣portunity request that the Rights of that Church, and of the Province might be preserved, and he in no wise removed from his Pastoral Charge. This weighty Affair having been maturely deliberated, the Council con∣sidering the Desire of the Reverend Mr. Chauve, and the singular Im∣portance of the Church of Paris, and the present Condition of that of Sommieres, decreed, That the Church of Paris should carry their De∣mand unto the next Synod of Lower Languedoc, which is injoined to pay all just Deference unto this Request of the Church of Paris, and to gratify them fully in it, provided that it be not a Case of Conscience with that Reverend Minister, and determined by him positively, that 'tis his Duty to live and die with his said Church of Sommieres.

97. A Letter was read from the Church of Vigan, and the Lord of Villencufve their Messenger, and the Deputies of the Province of Seven∣nes were heard speak as to its Contents. After which the Council gave leave unto that Church to seek a Pastor for it self without the Province of Sevennes, and injoineth the Colloquy of Sauve to assist the said Church, until such time as they be provided of a Minister to their Contentment.

98. Mr. Constans and Mr. Belot represented unto the Council the great and pressing Necessities they labour under, through their Inability of paying those Moneys they borrowed during their Imprisonment at Bour∣deaux. Whereupon the Receiver of the Province of Xaintonge was or∣dered to pay them thirteen Portions and an half (which were given them for the Years 1627, 1628, and 1629.) out of the Arrears due in the Year 1621. And that the said Receiver may come to no Trouble about it, he shall join the said thirteen Portions and an half unto those other Portions which were given them, that so they may divide them equally between them, as has been accustomed.

99. If any Church in the Colloquy of Nismes should desire Monsieur Baux for their Minister, who is at present Pastor of the Church in Cucque; This Assembly decreed, That he might have his Liberty, and accept of such a Call, without any Obstruction or Molestation.

100. The Deputies of Sevennes are charged, as they return homeward, to pass through the City of Beziers, and to recommend to the Judges and Counsellors of that Court the Affairs of the Church of Alez, and of those Reverend Ministers Mr. Paulet and Banzillon.

101. For as much as in the Dividend to the Province of Higher Lan∣guedoc, there were two Portions couched for two Professors of Divinity

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in the University of Montauban, although it had been before determined by this Synod, that the said Professors should receive but an half Portion, and give Acquittance unto their Church for it; now the Lord of Candall is ordered to detain in his Hands one of those Portions, and to accompt for it unto the next National Synod.

102. The Relation of Mr. Banzillon's Troubles was read, as also Let∣ters written by the Lord Marquess of Varennes, Governour of Aguemor∣tes, unto his Lordship his Majesty's Commissioner in this Assembly. Whereupon the Lord Commissioner was most importunately intreated to intercede for Mr. Banzillon, with the Lords Judges in the Court of Be∣zieres, and with the said Lord of Varennes; and it was unanimously vo∣ted, that a most humble Petition should be presented unto his Majesty, that his Majesty would be graciously pleased to permit our Churches, and Ministers officiating in them, their injoyment of that Peace and Liberty, and their comfortable Effects, which by his Edicts are accorded to us; and that his Majesty would order the said Lord Marquess, and all other Governours of Places, to follow and imitate his Majesty in his favoura∣ble Inclinations and Disposition towards us, and to cause his Subjects of the Reformed Religion, both Ministers and People, who live within their Governments and Jurisdiction, to reap the refreshing Fruits of his Majesty's most gracious Favour and Protection. Moreover, this Council ordained, that till such time as Mr. Banzillon may be restored unto the Exercise of his Ministry in the Church of Aiguesmortes, that Church shall be supplied by the Neighbour Pastors, to whose Christian Charity the said Church is in a most special manner recommended; and that they would, upon all Occasions, assist it in its great and pressing Ne∣cessities.

103. Mr. Petit made report of what had been done by him and Mr. Galland junior, in their Conference with the Lord President in the Par∣liament of Tholouse, and they presented his Lordship's Letters unto this Synod: And they received the Thanks of this Synod for the Pains taken by them: And an Answer was voted unto the Letters of the said Lord President; and the Consuls of Montauban and Castres were desired to pass over to Tholouse immediately after Martin-mass, and to sollicit the En∣rollment of his Majesty's Letters of Command unto that Court of Parlia∣ment, and to see that the Restrictions opposed by that Court unto his Ma∣jesty's Declaration be removed.

104. The Deputies of Dolphiny giving an honourable Character of Monsieur Agard, who had lately quitted the Convent of the Jacobins at Avignion, a Vote passed in the Council, That Report hereof should be made in the next National Synod, and what Relief the said Agard hath, and shall receive from that Province, that so there may be some care ta∣ken to reimburse them.

105. That Monsieur de la Vallade may be maintained in his Sickness; and whilst the Hand of God is heavy upon him, he being now visited in this City, The Council ordered, that out of the Sum of Ten thousand Livers given by his Majesty to defray the Charges of this Assembly, a fourth part of that Portion of it, which would have accrued unto the Province of Anjou, should be presently taken out and bestowed upon the said Sieur de la Vallade, and he shall not be obliged to be accountable for it. And Mr. Cooper is requested to pay in this Money before-hand un∣to him.

106. This Synod ordained, that all Papers brought by Mr. Bony and the Lord Aldebert, should be deposited by Mr. de Puy and de Grenouilleau, into the hands of the Provincial Deputies of Higher Languedoc; which was done accordingly.

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107. Mr. Busthonoby, Pastor of the Churches in Soulés, informed the Council, That however the last National Synod of Charenton had or∣dered a Maintenance for him in those Churches, yet there remained due, October Quarter, in the Year 1624, and the full Years 1625, and 1626. And he humbly prayed the Council to compassionate him, under his pressing Wants and Necessities. The truth of this his Information be∣ing undoubted and unquestionable, the Lord of Candall was intreated to pay in unto him all those his Arrears; and if the said Lord would, of his Christian Charity and Generosity, advance it before-hand, we assure him he shall reimburse himself out of the first Monies he receiveth for the Service of our Churches.

108. The Synod observing, that by the Dividend made in the Natio∣nal Synod of Charenton, there was granted unto the University of Mon∣tauban, over and above its accustomed Allowance, the Sum of Eight hun∣dred and fifty Livers, which were to be paid them till the sitting of this Assembly; and through inadvertency, that self-same Sum was again im∣ployed in a late Dividend, as if it were now due, and to be paid unto the said University. The Synod therefore ordaineth, that out of the said Eight hundred and fifty Livers, there shall be One hundred Livers only given in lieu of the Principal unto the said University, and Sixty Livers to their Beadle and Porter; and that the remaining Overplus, amount∣ing to Six hundred and ninety Livers, and also Ninescore and nine Livers and eight Sous, for a Portion cut off from the Province of Higher Lan∣guedoc and Higher Guyenne, of those which were imployed in the said Dividend, shall be detained yearly by the Lord of Candall from the said University and Province, and he shall bring his Receipt and Accompt for all this unto the next National Synod.

109. The Lord of Candall is intreated to pay unto the Province of Berry, over and above the Portions which were allotted it, one Portion omitted in the Account of the said Dividend.

110. The Portion of Monsieur Dacier, a Pastor Emeritus, having been omitted by the Synod of Charenton, through forgetfulness, when they made a Dividend of Monies belonging to the said Province of Higher Languedoc, shall be now restored him, and paid into his Hands out of the very first Monies that shall be received for the Churches.

111. Whereas the Sum of Four hundred Livers was settled upon ano∣ther Colledg besides that of Nerac, out of the Dividend for the Pro∣vince of Lower Guyenne, the laid Sum shall be detained by the Lord Candall, because there was a particular Article of Four hundred Livers past for the Colledg of Bergerac.

112. In case Monsieur Constans should be molested by the Apostate Pe∣ris, the Council resolves to stand by him, and to make his their common Cause, and to maintain his Innocency, and to defray all necessary Char∣ges that he may be put to in the Suit.

113. The Lord* 1.3 Chintrier, formerly Receiver of the Monies (gi∣ven us by his Majesty's Bounty) for the Province of Xaintonge, shall de∣liver unto the Lord of Angoulins, an Acquittance of the Lord du Candall, for the Arrears due unto the said Province for the Year 1621, and for which the said Chintrier shall be discharged by the Lord of Angoulins, and shall himself draw up, in due Form of Law, the Discharge and Ac∣quittance, which is to be subscribed by him.

114. The deep Poverty of the Church of Varis being reported by the Deputies of Dolphiny, who also presented their Letters unto the Council, a free Portion was voted for them out of the Dividend for the Province of Dolphiny, to be delivered unto the said Church of Varis, between this and the next National Synod.

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115. The Deputies of Dolphiny presented Letters from Monsieur le Veilleux a Pastor; which being read, the Council commending his Zeal and Piety, and approving his Retreat from the City of Nismes, doth charge that Province of Dolphiny to provide a Church for him, in which he may employ those excellent Gifts, which the God of all Grace hath so plentifully showred down upon him, for its edification.

116. The Council exhorted the Province of Anjou to get the last Tome of Mr. Cameron's Theological Works printed, and promiseth that the next National Synod shall take care to see them reimbursed the Char∣ges they must of necessity be at in that Impression.


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