Jesus and the resurrection justified by witnesses in heaven and in earth in two parts : the first shewing that Jesus is the Son of God, the second that in him we have eternall life
Patrick, Simon, 1626-1707.


Or if this be too hard to be under∣stood, let us content our selves to know, that to SEE GOD as he is, is to en∣joy him as he is in heaven; that is, ac∣cording to that manner and measure wherein he shews and manifests himself in those celestiall places. Pious Souls shall really perceive all the effects of his Bounty, Wisedom and Power, which are known and communicated in that o∣ther world. Which as it is higher then this; so hath more of God to be seen in Page  27it, then can be discovered here. All that the holy Angels see and enjoy of him, all that Good which he lets forth out of himself in that glorious place, wherein above all other he is said to be, shall be the portion of those happy Souls; who may be said therefore to see him AS HE IS. They shall not enjoy him in so low a manner as the highest and the most highly beloved persons have enjoy∣ed him in this world, where there is but little of him: but in the noblest manner that he can be enjoyed; so as the hea∣venly Ministers, yea our ever-Blessed Lord, are made partakers of him. For when our Lord prays that his Disciples may behold or see his glory, which the Fa∣ther had given him, xvii. Joh. 24. his meaning is, (according to what I have said of the word Seeing,) that they might have their share at last with him in his Happiness, and be admitted to take a part with him in that supreme Digni∣ty, to which he was ready to be advan∣ced. And thus when St. John invites o∣thers into the Christian Society, telling them that their fellowship was with the Fa∣ther and his Son jesus Christ, 1 Joh. i. 3. it is as much as to say, that they could no-where be so happy; because it is the Page  28singular priviledge of Christian people, to be admitted unto a partnership with God and our Saviour in their most hap∣py life, and to have hopes and expecta∣tion to partake with them in their eter∣nall Bliss.