The workes of that famous chirurgion Ambrose Parey translated out of Latin and compared with the French. by Tho: Johnson. Whereunto are added three tractates our of Adrianus Spigelius of the veines, arteries, & nerves, with large figures. Also a table of the bookes and chapters.
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The workes of that famous chirurgion Ambrose Parey translated out of Latin and compared with the French. by Tho: Johnson. Whereunto are added three tractates our of Adrianus Spigelius of the veines, arteries, & nerves, with large figures. Also a table of the bookes and chapters.
Paré, Ambroise, 1510?-1590.
London :: printed by E: C: and are to be sold by John Clarke at Mercers Chappell in Cheapeside neare ye great Conduit,
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Medicine -- Early works to 1800.
Surgery -- Early works to 1800.
Anatomy -- Early works to 1800.
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"The workes of that famous chirurgion Ambrose Parey translated out of Latin and compared with the French. by Tho: Johnson. Whereunto are added three tractates our of Adrianus Spigelius of the veines, arteries, & nerves, with large figures. Also a table of the bookes and chapters." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 10, 2024.
Of Wolves.
* 1.1MEn have learnt the Arts of waging War from the Wolves, for they come out by Troops, and lye in ambush near the Towns which they have appointed, and then one of them runs unto the Town and provokes the Dogs. And making, as if he run away, incites the Dogs to fol∣low him, until he hath gotten them unto the place where their ambush lyeth, which on a sodain appeareth and rusheth out upon them. And so they kill and eat all, or as many of the Dogs as they are able to catch.