*. It is evident that some Ar∣ticles of the Apostles Creed were believed by the Iewes, and were Arti le of their saith before our a∣viour Christ came in the flesh▪ The Iewes then did, and doe yt believe one God the fa∣ther almigh∣ty, they did believe the holy Catho∣like Church, the Communi∣an of Sants, the forgive∣nesse of sinnes, the resurrecti∣on of the flesh and life ever∣lasting. A therefore the Apostles did not make de novo all the Articles of their Cree▪ but did nely adde certaine articles to that faith, which was formerly believed in the Church pretending (and that truly) that this their addition was im∣plicitely contained in that saith which the Jewes did then professe concerning the Messias which was to cowe: So Antichrist was not to make de novo al the Articles of that Creed which he was to professe, but was only to adde, as it were, one moitie to that faith which was formerly believed in the Church, pretending (but falsly, as it behooved Antichrist to doe) that this his addition was implicitly contained in the Creed which was formerly professed in the Church.

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