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A Continuation of the description of the murthers, and cruelties committed on the Reformed, in the Valleys of Piedmout, on the 6. and 7. of Aprill 1655.
MY Lord Marquess of Pianess, having many times reiterated to the Deputies of the Churches of the Valleys with asse∣veration (as they do affirm) that upon the Paroll of his Royall Highness and his own (they giving testimony of their confidence and obedience by the Reception of such Regiments) they should not receive any injury, They did thereupon suffer them to en∣ter without any resistance whatsoever, hoping the rather that it should have been so, seeing those places were reserved, even in the order lately published, and never questioned, as to their ha∣bitation, But those of St. John, who had all their goods and fa∣milies in Angrogne, and for whom there was no Quarter, ha∣sted thither to save their Wives and Children, which also did those of Angrogne, who soon perceived the Treachery, and how the Papists keep Faith to the pretended Hereticks. The said Marquess also kept Prisoners the Deputies of St. John and An∣grogne, who went thither to treat upon his Parole; and as the Troops agreed on, were going up by the way appointed, three or four thousand men got before them by a backway, near La Tour, climbing up with an incomparable swiftness, putting all to the Sword they met with, and firing the Houses of Angrogne, near the Meadow of La Tour, being one of the strongest pla∣ces, and at the furthest distance; and that they executed even before the others were come into the middle of Angrogne which they had chosen for their Quarter. The other Troops did the like neer St. John towards Bricheras, and in many other pla∣ces near la Tour, so long as Day light permitted.
Amongst so many furious assaults, so many violent attempts, and so black deceits and treasons, the air being all on fire by