Sound advice to Roman Catholics, especially the residue of poor, seduced and deluded Papists in England who obstinately shut both eyes and ears against the clearest light of the Gospel of Christ and surest evidences of Scripture and reason to which is added a Word to the people called Quakers
Oates, Titus, 1649-1705.
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SOUND ADVICE TO Roman Catholicks, &c.

THough there be none in this Nation, who (upon the ac∣count of Merit) oweth less kindness to your Tribe, yet (as one well acquainted with the Intrigues of both Churches) upon the account of Brotherly Love and Charity, I hum∣bly present you with my Christian and best Advice, earnestly de∣siring you, seriously to consider the sandy Foundation of your Romish Church, and no more pin your Faith and confidence of Salvation, to the implicit assertions of a pretended Authority, and usurped Supremacy; to believe every Contradiction of Nonsense, which is, or can be affirmed by the Spiritual Apostates, of so abo∣minable an Harlot, whom (with the Ephesians, Act. 19.28.) you term your Great Diana, and unspotted Mother-Church, and therefore ought to be believed without any further enquiry; though the Turks may, on as good grounds, perswade the World to embrace their Religion, and their chief Mufti as well claim Christ's Vicar∣age, upon the account of John of Constantinople, as the Pope of Rome can on the Succession of Peter; their Principles being neither more ridiculous, nor contrary to the Scriptures of Truth, and Apostolick Christian Faith, than the Doctrine of the Church of Rome is at this present time.

Indeed, I my self was lulled asleep, by the allurements of the Popish Syrenes, and the bewitching Sorceries of the Man of Sin (as by the impetuous current of Babel's streams) driven headlong to the brink and shore of the See of Romish Abominations: But as Joseph was sold to Aegypt, for the Preservation of his Brethren, so was I laid aside, by the permission of Divine Providence, for the safety both of my King and Country. Therefore (with the Page  2 Apostle Paul, who was once a Persecuter) knowing the terrour of the Lord, and the danger of Popish Apostacy, I perswade all men to renounce the Doctrine of Devils, and embrace the Christian Faith, freely offered to us in the Gospel. And because I would gain ground on the meanest Capacities, and discover the nakedness of the Roman Harlot, in puris, or (rather) nudis naturalibus, I shall (for the benefit of those who have not money to buy, nor time to read, great Controversies) set down in this small Treatise, some obvious and abominable Errours of the Romish Church, in such capital and legible Characters, that they who run may read MYSTERY BABYLON, &c. on the face of that impudent Harlot; and (unless they shut their Eyes, Ears, and all their Senses, the Gates of their understanding) be ready to cry out, Men and Brethren, what shall we do to be saved?

The first blow that I intend to strike, is at the Pope's Supremacy and Infallibility, the two great Pillars whereon the Church of Rome (or rather Fabrick of Antichrist) leaneth. The first, God hath as evidently prohibited, Mark 10.42. as he hath Murder and Adul∣tery in the sixth and seventh Commandments; and since Papists unanimously acknowledge that all the Apostles received the gift of the Holy Ghost, and Peter only the Keys, the Orders and Badge of his Supremacy, before they prove his Superiority and Dignity above the rest of the Apostles, they must prove that those Keys were a thing better and more precious than the rest received; yea, than the Holy Ghost, or God himself, which none but Antichrist and his Members dare to affirm. Peter, indeed, being a forward Man, Self-confident and Audacious, first answered our Saviour's Question, Matth. 16.16. and our Saviour (very gently) continued his discourse to him, not excluding the rest: But were I to give the Supre∣macy to any Apostle, I would rather give it to James the Lords Brother, or to Paul or Barnabas, to whom Peter himself gave the right hand of fellowship, Gal. 2.9. or to John, who could be more intimate with Jesus than any of the rest, as is clear from Joh. 13.23. and was termed the Disciple whom Jesus loved, Joh. 21.20. Yet what Fool will from thence conclude, that he hated all the rest? though the Papists foolishly affirm, that because Christ gave the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven to Peter, he gave them to none else: He was pleased to wheedle over the rest with smaller enduements, priviledges, and preheminence; though they received both the Father and the Son. Thus did Peter (according to the Canon of the Page  3 Church of Rome) receive a more noble Gift; and was inspired with a greater Spirit than God himself; though our Saviour saith, Joh. 10.29. My Father is greater than all. Yet, for all these Keys were so precious, that bloody Sodomite, Pope Julius the Second, threw them in the River Tiber, as he was marching before his Army, the number whereof was as the sand of the Sea: Whence Bibliander doth conclude, that Pope Julius did resign all his pre∣tended Right and Power, of shutting and opening Heaven and Hell, to the River Tiber, or the Fishes or other Creatures therein. For casting away the Keys, the Testimony of his Authority, he did deprive and spoil himself, and all his Successors, of Peter's Inhe∣ritance.

But (to approach a little nearer to this glorious Mitre, whose dazling brightness darkneth all the Crowns in Christendom) I would gladly know how the Pope of Rome came to be Peter's Successor, and if he came honestly by his Popedom: If Peter was Crucify'd at Rome, his Succession must be by Usurpation, and his Right to the Holy Chair, but a meer Robbery. But it is acknowledged by all, that the Titles of Pope of Rome, Universal Bishop, Peter's Suc∣cessor, Christs Vicar, and God upon Earth, were not known till (about 600 years after our Saviour.) The Patriarchs of Constantinople and Rome, did both by Letters and Legates sollicit the Emperour Mauritius for the Title of Bishop of Bishops, instead of Servus Ser∣vorum. But Gregory the First (abhorring that Blasphemous Name, and calling it the Mark and Badge of Anti-christ) Lib. 4 Epist. 27. wrote to the Emperour thus: Exclamare compellor, ac dicere, O tem∣pora, O mores! Ecce cuncta in Europae Partibus Barbarorum juri sunt tradita. Destructae ••bes, eversa Castra, depopulatae provinciae, nul∣lus terram Cultor inhabitat, & tamen Sacerdotes qui in pavimento, & cinere flentes jacere debuerunt, vanitatis sibi nomina experiunt, & novis ac prophanis vocabulis gloriantur. That is to say, I am compelled to cry out, O Times! O Manners! Behold in all the parts of Europe, all things live under the reverence of barbarous people: Towns are destroy'd, Castles are over-thrown, Provinces are spoiled: No Labourer inhabiteth the Land; notwithstanding, the Priests (who should lye in ashes, upon the ground weeping) are seeking unto themselves Names of Vanity, and Glory in Pro∣phane Titles. Thus Anti-christ's Title was blasted in the bud, and forc'd to linger in the birth, till Bonifacius the Third (finding opportunity by the disliking which the Emperour Phocas had of Page  4 the Patriarch of Constantinople) insinuated himself in the Empe∣rour's favour, and obtained at his hands, that the Church of Rome should be called the Supream Head of all other Churches, and him∣self Supream and Universal Bishop of all Bishops. Then Boniface (as Platina writeth) proud of his Vain, Glorious, New Title (which he had snatch'd from the hand of an Usurper) called a Council at Rome, consisting of seventy two Bishops, thirty Pres∣byters, and three Deacons; wherein, the priviledge of Supremacy, given by Phocas to the Roman Church, was published. Thus he who had murdered an Emperour could make a Bishop, and add lustre to his ambitious Holiness; and against the Nature both of Reason and Philosophy, give that which in himself he had not.

Thus was this proud swelling Title Midwif'd to the World, by a Tyrant who had Murdered his Master, the good Emperour Mauritius, with his Brother, Wife and Children. And as Bibli∣ander observeth, the Eagles three Heads, with their bloody Bills, awaked all at once, viz. Boniface, Phocas, and Mahumet the Arabian. Now considering these things, and that the Bishop of Rome oweth his Greatness and Supremacy to the Emperour, what Master of Ingratitude is he, to Curse, Excommunicate, Depose and tread him under his Feet? Cause him to hold his Stirrup Crown him with his Feet, force him to stand bare-foot, begging at his Gates, Poison him, and make him lye rotting above ground without a Grave to lye in.

Neither can the Pope deduce his Infallibility from Peter's constan∣cy and stedfastness of Faith; for he (after he had received the Keys) both could, and did fall, and was by our Saviour, Matth. 16.23. not called His Holiness, but Satan: whence I might (after the man∣ner of Popish Argumentation) infer that the Church of Rome is built upon Satan, who denyed his Saviour, and was ignorant, Gal. 2.13, 14. whether it was lawful to eat with the Gentiles, till Paul informed and confirmed him in the true Faith. Yea, all Pa∣pists foolishly conclude and affirm, that, during the time of Christ's Crucifixion, none upon Earth, no not the Apostles themselves, had true Faith, or believed in the Son of God, but only the B. Virgin: whence it will follow (according to the Principles of Popery) that the Church was built upon an Unbeliever, and that the Devils, the Gates of Hell did prevail against it.

Now then, if Peter was neither Supream nor Infallible, why doth the Pope of Rome father his Popperies of Supremacy and Infallibility Page  5 on him? as by a Gospel Line, and Spiritual Deic••…; he could prove his Right to the Holy Chair, and throw down, all his Brats of Abomination, at the Blessed Apostle's Door. But if I can, by demonstration, prove the Pope of Rome, his pretended Holiness, an Infidel in Faith, and an Atheist in Life and Conversation, I hope all ingenious Papists will acknowledge him Fallible; for, ab actu ad potentiam bene valet consequentia.

The first proof I shall bring is a short History, taken out of the best Popish Writers, which is this; Formosus the first Reigned six Years, and died anno 896. after he had made many Decretals, Acts and Church-Canons, which Steven the 6th spitefully annulled and cancelled, as wicked and abominable, because he had prevent∣ed him in the Popedom, and would not allow him Concubines to his mind: Yea (to revenge his undeserved quarrel against him) summoning a Council, he caused his dead rotten Carcass to be digg'd out of the Grave, and deckt with Gorgeous Pontificals, and pulling off all again, to be array'd in Lay-mens habit. Thus the dead Body being degraded and devested of all Ecclesiastick Digni∣ty, like a superstitious Fool, he cut off the two Fingers of his right hand (wherewith he us'd to hold the Sacrament) and threw them in the River Tyber, and afterwards commanded his Body to be buried among Lay-men. But Romanus the first, succeeding Ste∣ven, allowed and confirmed the Acts and Decrees of Formosus, an∣nulling and condemning the Canons, Acts and Decretals of Steven, as wicked and abominable. Then after the Death of Romanus, Pope John the tenth being a Favourite of Formosus, made a General Col∣lection of all the Writs and Processes against the dead Body of Formosus, and condemned the Pope Steven his Council, and all their Writings. Till Sergius the third (who had before, by the Roman Clergy, been elected Pope with Formosus, but suppressed by Faction) digg'd up the dead rotten Body of Formosus the second time; which had been in the Grave about ten Years, set it in St. Peter's Chair, drew it thence by the Heels to a block, and strook off its head: And chopping off the three fingers, which Steven had lest, he cau∣sed the rotten, stinking Massacred Body to be thrown into the River Tyber: And lastly, defaced, anulled and condemned all his Acts and Decrees, which before had been allowed, denyed, confirmed and condemned by several thwarting and contradicting Popes. Till in the Reign of Pope Anastatius the third, about the year 913, some Fishermen found the Body of Formosus in the River Tyber; Page  6 which was by his Holiness buryed sumptuously; the very Images (if you can believe the famous Popish Writers) welcoming, nod∣ding and saluting the dead Body when it was brought into the Church. Now of necessity some of these contradicting Popes were erroneous in their Judgments; yea, both faulty and Heretical, and did fall in their Faith, and sacrifice their Conscience to their spleen: For, contradicting one another, they could not all be in the right, nor affirm that which was true and Orthodox. For it is an undeniable maxim, that Duo contradictoria nequiunt esse simul ve∣ra. But, whatever was their Faith, I am sure their Charity was thred-bare, and their Holinesses destitute of all mercy, vindictive∣ly pursuing their holy Father beyond the Gates of Death, and re∣venging their quarrel in the very Grave. Neither was this all, for it is observed by Popish Writers, and all others since, that after the Death of Formosus, the Popes of Rome poison'd and dispatch'd one another so fast, that there were eleven Popes within nine yeare space.

The next proof of the Pope's Fallibility in Faith, is, that John the 23d was proved an Heretick in the Council of Constance, by these words; Pope John said, and stubbornly believed, that the Soul of Man dyeth together with the Body, and is consumed to nothing, like the Souls of Bruit Beasts. And because Thomas Walleis, an English-man, was Imprisoned by the Pope for reproving his Heresie, the King of France summoned a Council into his Palace, in Viciana Sylva, where the whole Assembly subscribed against the Pope's Heresie: And the King wrote to John to reform it, and set the Prisoner at liberty. The last he did to prevent threatning dangers; but of his Heresie, he never would purge himself.

My third proof shall be from Pope Gregory the VII. This man was an Adulterer, a great Sorcerer and Necromancer; and (as Beno the Cardinal writeth) when he was in his merry Fits, would cast off his Sleeves, and skip and dance like a Bear, in form of spar∣kles and flames of fire: With which, and many such Miracles (or rather lying Wonders) he deceived and perswaded ignorant peo∣ple, to believe that he was a Lamp of pure Holiness. As also, he kept a Brazen-Head in his Closet, wherein dwelt a Spirit, where∣with (in any danger) he consulted, to know the result of his un∣dertakings. But on a certain time (as he was preparing to War against the Emperour) his Domestick God gave him such an am∣biguous Answer, that he could make no sense of it: therefore took Page  7 the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper (his supposed Deity) and setting it on a Table, Conjur'd it with the same Words that he had his Brazen-Head, a little before; but the Sacrament giving him no An∣swer, His Holiness, in a great passion, threw it in the fire, with these Words, There's a God indeed: Could the Idol-Gods of the Hea∣thens give them Answer in their Success, and canst thou give me none? The Cardinals then present, were much displeased that Hildebrand should have burn'd the God which they had made to be eaten: Therefore John Bishop of Portua (of the Popes Privy Council) made his Apology in a Sermon in St. Peter's Church, the next Lord's Day, thus: What meaned HILDEBRAND and We to do these things, for which We all deserve to be burned alive? From whence I infer, that Pope Gregory was an Heretick, and did not believe the real Presence, and that the Sacrament was a True God. Yet this Gregory, alias Hildebrand, or Hell-brand (as some term him) for all he Poyson'd seven Popes, to make way for himself to the Popedom, dyed at Salerne in great Misery, Anno 1086.

My fourth proof is by consequence, from the Words of Pope Gelasius, concerning the Sacrament of the Lords Supper; who, against the Eutychians, speaketh thus: Biblioth. patr. Tom. 4. Surely the Sacraments which we receive, of the Body and Blood of our Lord, are a Divine thing, so that by them we are made partakers of a Divine Nature, and yet it ceaseth not to be the Substance or Nature of Bread and Wine, and certainly, the Image and Resemblance of Christ's Body and Blood are Celebrated in the Action of the Mystery. Whence it will undoubt∣edly follow, that he was a Heretick, according to the Canon of the second Council of Lateran, which confirmed the Doctrine of Tran∣substantiation, or else that all the Popes since have been Hereticks, who have maintained Christs real presence, in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper.

My fifth and last proof shall be of Pope Leo the X. who (when Cardinal Bembus moved a Question out of the Gospel) very con∣temptuously Answered, All Ages can testify enough, how profitable that Fable of Christ hath been to us, and our Company. Who then dare be so impudent to affirm him Infallible in Faith, who denyeth the very foundation thereof, and him by whom only Salvation can be obtained? Be astonished, O ye Heavens at this, and be horribly afraid, &c. Jer. 2.12.

Now if this be the Fountain of the Romish Faith, and the Creed of his unspotted Holiness, what mud and dirt is in Babel's streams? Page  8 What Atheism and Infidelity must there be among the Crew of the Romish Clergy? And Rabble of Brutish Priests, Monks and Friers! Est petri Sedes (saith Bellarm. in praefat: ante lib. de Pontif. Rom.) Lapis probatus, angularis, pretiosus, in fundamento fundatus. St. Peter's Chair is an approved Corner Stone, precious, and laid in the foundation. And again (lib. 2. de pont. Rom. cap. 31.) The Pope of Rome is the foundation of the Church. And Stapleton (Relect. princip. Doctr. in praef.) Alii nunc a Christo eorumve Doctrina, praedicatio, determina∣tio fundamenti apud me locum habebunt. That is others (now beside Christ) and their Doctrine, Preaching, and Determination, shall be esteemed of me as a Foundation. The Begging Friers in the time of William de sanct. amore (as the Doctors of Paris in lib. de peric. novis. temp. relate) collected all their Dreams, Fancies, and vain Traditions, into one Volume, calling it the Eternal Gospel, and Preach'd The Gospel of Christ shall cease, and our Eternal Gospel shall be Preach'd and receiv'd to the end of the World. The Pope with great reluctancy, did at last condemn this blasphemous Book of Abominations, and lying Wonders, at the earnest Request of the Doctors of Paris, against whom his Holiness conceived such implacable hatred, that he could never after be reconciled to them, and favoured the Fri∣ars so much, that he both preferr'd them, and enlarg'd their Priviledges.

Now if any of the Romish Clergy perswade a Lay-man to be∣lieve as the Church believeth, he must tell him what is the Church. For if he believe what the Church of Rome preach'd formerly, then he must not believe the Doctrine of Popery now. Yea, if he believe Pope Gelasius (whom I have Quoted) he must not believe the present Church of Rome; or else if he will believe the Doctrine of Rome now, he must acknowledge that Pope Gelasius was a cursed Heretick, which will overturn the Doctrine of the Popes Infallillility, which hangeth betwixt a Possibility and an Impossibility.

Now to prove the Pope Fallible, in respect of evil Works, Sin and Wickedness, his godless and brutish life is enough to declare him both a Beast and an Atheist. And I really believe, that as soon as ever he sitteth down in the old rotten Stool, which they call St. Peter's Chair (as from an old enchanted Oracle) he is pos∣sessed with the spirit of Delusion and Errour; which driveth him headlong to all Abominations and Uncleanness. And, as an evil spirit from God, troubled Saul; so suffereth he the wicked one to take possession of this Prince of Pride, that they who follow and wan∣der Page  9 after him and term him His Holiness, may be inexcusable in the day of their accounts; in reputing him a Terrestial God, whom they see an Infernal Devil. And son further satisfaction, I shall here in∣sert some Popish Pranks, and Wicked Villanies, committed by the Popes of Rome; which the Reader may judge, whether or not they can consist with Infallibility and unspotted Holiness.

Pope (or rather Popess) Joan was a Fornicatrix, and died in La∣bour, bringing forth a Bastard.

Pope John XIII, lay with his own Sisters, forced his Fathers Concubines, played at Dice, drank the Devils good Health, pray'd to him for good luck, and put out the Eyes of Benedict his Ghostly Father.

Gregory VII. caused a fellow to put great stones, right over the place where the Emperour Henry used to pray, in St. Marys Church, to knock him on the Head, by an ingenious contrivance; whilst he was at his Devotion he Cursed, and Excommunicated him, without occasion, and took his Crown from him, without any just cause.

Paschal II. stirred up Henry the V. to Rebel against his good Old Father, who at last (by his assistance) beat him from the Empire, and brought him to beg his Bread; so that he lived and died mi∣serable, and was caused to lye rotting above ground, without burying, five years, at the Pope's special command.

Innocent IV. called Henry III. King, of England his Vassal, Slave and Page, whom he could imprison, and put to open shame, at his pleasure.

Hadrian IV. fell out with the Emperour of Germany, for holding his wrong Stirrup.

Innocent III. took from John, King of England, both his Crown and Kingdom, and gave it to Lewis, the French Kings Son, with∣out any just cause.

Celestine III. Crowned the Emperour and Empress of Germany with his Feet, and (throwing off the Crowns again with his Toe) said, Thve power both to make and unmake Kings and Emperours.

Nicolas III. begot a Bastard Son, that had Claws and Hair like a Bear.

Boniface VIII. because Philip King of France would not suffer the Revenues of his Kingdom to be transported to Foreign Countries, Cursed both him and his, to the fourth Generation. He likewise gave Authority to Ecclesiastick Persons in England, to deliver the Page  10 people to Satan twice a year. This man came by the Popedom after a most devilish and treacherous manner, for finding his Master, Pope Celestine the Fifth, a simple doting Man, he hired one of his Bed-chamber to make a Ghostly noise, in a long Reed, through a hole which he had caused to be made privately, in the Wall of his Holiness's Chamber, crying, CELESTINE, CELESTINE, give over thy Charge, for it is above thy strength and ability. The Old Man (thinking the Infernal noise had been the Voice of an Angel, sent from Heaven) in spite of all opposers, gave over the Popedom on St. Luke's Eve, and went to a Desart to lead an Ere∣mit's life, (as Massaeus writeth.) But the Impostor Boniface (who had thus cheated the simple man, and gotten to be his Successor, fear∣ing that the people would follow him as Pope) apprehended Old Celestine, and put him in close Prison, where he lay till the day of his Death: But Boniface himself, did not escape the just Judgment of God, for he dyed in a miserable condition, with a guilty Con∣science. This is he, of whom it was said, He enter'd like a FOX, he reigned like a LYON, and dyed like a DOG.

Clement the V. caused his Hang-man to take Francis Dandalus, a Venetian Duke, and bind him with Chains, and throw him at his Feet under his Table, where (for very hunger) he gnaw'd bones like a Dog.

Clement VI. caused to Poyson the Emperour Lewis, with∣out any cause but Pride, Covetousness, and desire of Superiority.

Urban VI. drowned seven Cardinals, because he suspected that they had conspired against him with Charles King of Naples, and Clement his Competitor, an Antipope. This Urban (whom some termed Turban, for his wicked and troublesome life) as he was in haste riding from Naples, with his Spiritual Court of Rogues, and Sodomites, caused one of his Cut-throats to kill the Bishop of Aquilo his Prisoner, leaving his dead mangled body on the way; because (after his racking and tormenting) he could not ride so fast as His Holiness.

Pope Sixtus IV. gave liberty to several Families of the Clergy, to defile their bodies with all manner of filthiness and brutish un∣cleanness, for the three hot months, June, July, and August.

Innocent VIII. begat sixteen Children, on sixteen several Women, and was so brutish every way, that after his Death this Epitaph was made upon him:

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Octo Nocens pueros genuit, totidem{que} puellas,
Hunc merito poterit dicere Roma patrem.
Spuricies, Gula, avaritia at{que} ignavia, Deses,
Hoc, octave jacent, quo tegeris tumulo.

Benedict the XII. bought with a large summ of money, the Sister of Francis Petrarch, a very beautiful Woman, to satisfie his Carnal desire.

Alexander the VI. lay with his own Daughter, on whom after her death this Epitaph was made:

Hic jacet in tumulo, Lucretia nomine; sed re
Thais; Alexandri filia, sponsa, nuras.

Paul III. in disguise, lay with a young Gentlewoman, under pre∣tence of Wooing her, by whom he had a Son called Peter Aloysius, the express Image of such a Father: For being General of his Father's Army, he caused his Souldiers violently to hold the Godly Old Bishop of Fane, till he in spite of the poor Old Man's heart, committed that abomination with him, that is neither proper to be Written, nor spoken of; the Bishop afterwards dying for very grief. This Pope Paul had a Daughter named Constantia, whose Husband he poison'd, to enjoy her person with greater con∣venience, and with her, to wallow in uncleanness. With whom also, her Brother Peter Aloysius, in imitation of his Father, made bold to commit Incest. This Pope also kept a List of 45000 Har∣lots about Rome, which paid him a monthly Tribute for Liberty of Whoring.

These are Demonstrations of the Pope's Fallibility, and the fruits of his manifest Wickedness. These are the doings of the Son of Per∣dition, and the wicked Works of the Romish Man of Sin, which (to number up all, or as many of them as have been published in Popish Historians) would make a book larger than twenty Church Bibles: But ex ungue Leonem, We may know by this little what the whole Volume would be, and what metal the Mystery of Ini∣quity is made of. Are these the Works of him that hath the Spirit of God, or the Spirit of Anti-christ? Tell me ingenuously Reader, how you relish this drop of the Cup of Romish Abominations, and if you can digest a whole Draught of it, without Poysoning your Conscience? Doth it surfeit your Soul to a future forbearance, and force you to cry out, O Man of God, Death is in the Cup?

The second thing that I object, against the Church of Rome, is the keeping the Laity from reading the Holy Scriptures. It is life Page  12 eternal to know God, Joh. 17.3. but how to know the God of Truth without the knowledge of the Scriptures of Truth, I never could yet find out, they being the right way, and appointed guide, to lead us unto Christ himself. Our Saviour saith, Joh. 5.39. Search the Scriptures. And it was the commendation of the Noble Bereaus, Act. 17.11. that they tried the truth of Paul's Doctrine, by the Touch-stone and Scriptures of Truth: For the Spirits of the Pro∣phets are subject to the Prophets. All the Apostles wrote to the Saints in general, and Paul desired the Colossians to read his Epistle pub∣lickly, in the Churches, and charged the Thessalonians, by the Lord, to read his Epistle unto all the holy brethren. Now shall I conclude that there are no Saints but great ones, and learned Doctors: No Church or Congregation but what consisteth of Learned Rabbies and Clergy-men: No Brethren but Bishops, Abbots, Priests, Monks and Friers, &c: God forbid! For as Augustine saith, Conf. lib. 3. cap. 8. Men unlearned earnestly contend for Heaven, whilst learned Men, without understanding, wallow in flesh and blood. And although Paul wrote many things hard to be understood, which the unlearned and un∣stable wrest, yet did not Peter (who giveth an Item of it, in his se∣cond Epistle, 3.16.) desire his Writings to be taken from them. Meat and Drink must not be rejected, because of Drunkards and Gluttons. Better some men be Debauch'd, than all the World Starv'd. Better there be a possibility of some's wresting the Scrip∣ture, than that all the World should lye in Ignorance. Since He∣resies must be, that they who are approved may be made manifest, as good they be, by this means as other ways. Yet Chrysostom saith, Scripturarum ignoratio haereses peperit. And again, Barathrum est Scrip∣turarum ignoratio. Whence I may rationally infer, that the Pope of Rome shutteth the Kingdom of Heaven against men, and send∣eth all the Rabble of vulgar Papists (who dare not read nor know the Scriptures) in a broad way to Hell.

Certainly it is the just condemnation of the World that men love to walk in Darkness, when they may walk in Light. And although the Scriptures be but a Riddle and Sealed Book to the Wicked, yet are the secrets of the Lord with those that fear him. They are a Sun, which show themselves with their own Rays, if within our Horizon, giving light to the humble, dazling the cutious eye, and striking the ambitious spirits blind: A River, wherein an Elephant may swim, and an Insect wade and drink: A Feast, affording Milk for aes; and strong Meat for Men of understanding: They are Page  13 an inexhaustible Treasure, to which God hath promised his imme∣diate and continual presence, Isah. 59.21. The everlasting Gospel is convey'd with an Angel, Rev. 14.6. This is that Light and Sun which the Man of Sin hath put under the Bushel of prohibition; and (as it is Prophesied, Rev. 16.10.) made the Kingdom of the Beast full of darkness.

Now it is the earnest desire of my Soul, that the Church of Rome grant to all her Children the priviledge of reading the Holy Scriptures, and shew her self the true Mother, by feeding, and not the Step-Mother, by starving her Children; lest her Flock go astray, and perish in Ignorance, and their blood be required at the Clergy-men's hands: For if the Gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost, 2 Cor. 4.3.

My third Objection shall be against the Doctrine of Venial Sins; for though some sins be more heinous in the sight of God than others, yet is no sin small or venial. The Law of God is a fiery Law, every spark burneth. The wages of Sin (without exception) is Death. God's Wrath and Curse hangeth over the head of every sin, Gal. 3.10. But since all conclude, that every sin, by Nature, is evil, let us abstain from all filthiness both of the flesh and of the Spirit.

My fourth Objection shall be against the Doctrine of Purgatory, which Papists term a Place, or Pit of fire, Ordained by God, for purg∣ing the Souls of Men after Death, from Venial Sins. But this Doctrine nititur facto supposito; for if there be no Venial Sins, then is there no Purgatory. But (in few words) there can be no unsanctify'd Saints, God doth not pardon by halfs; he forgiveth all thine Iniquities, he healeth all thy Diseases, Psal. 103.3. The blood of Christ cleanseth us from all sin. It were a ridiculous piece of Nonsense, for a King to pardon a Malefactor of his Murder, and yet cause him to be whipp'd at the Cart for his provoking Language, God doth not forgive great heinous Sins, and retain small ones, he taketh away (as saith the Prophet) all our iniquities, healeth all our back-slidings, forgiveth us freely, loveth us freely, maketh us pure and clean, whiter than the Snow, and preserveth us spotless, till we appear before him. They that continue in sin, in expectation of a Pur∣gatory, may be mistaken, and fall in the lake which burneth with for and brimstone; which is the second Death, Rev. 21.8.

My fifth Objection shall be against the Popish Limb•• Infantum, an imaginary place, where the Roman Clergy bar up all unbap∣tized Infants, eternally, from the presence of God. This is an Page  14 uncharitable Opinion, and cannot consist with the goodness, mer∣cy, wisdom, and fore-knowledge of God, who hath found out and ordained a sufficient Remedy for lost man, which under some circumstances cannot be administred; for, frustranea est illa poten∣tia quae nequit reduci in actum. Now, I hope, the Papists will not de∣ny that some Children are sanctify'd in the Mothers Womb, Jer. 1.5. and if such a Child should dye without Baptism, who dareth to affirm that he is separated from the presence of that God, who hath promised to be both the God of the faithful and of their seed?

My sixth Objection shall be against Popish Baptism: For, what a brutish thing is it to adulterate the Water and Element of this Holy Sacrament with Oyl, Salt and Spittle. Is sensual man wiser than the Omnipotent God? If he Work, who can lett? And who can say unto the King of Kings, what dost thou? Every thing ought to be done in decency and order, but this nasty and brutish trick is the shame of Sacraments, the blush of Babylon, the impudence of Popery, and the absurdity of abominations. Will it not satisfie you to eat up the good Pastures, but (with the Idol-shepherds in old) to tread down the residue with your feet. Will it not satisfie you to eat God's Body, Cancel the Scriptures, and debar the people from the Word of God, but must you also spit on his Sacrament, Homolo∣gating the deeds of Judas and Pilate, and of those Wicked Jews who served him so when they Crucify'd him? Will it not satisfie you to drink all the Wine at his Supper, unless you spit in this Element of Water, because it doth not answer your drunken Appe∣tites? O wretched Hypocrites! How can ye escape the Damnation of Hell.

And what a ridiculous wicked thing is it to Baptize Bells, Churches, and other Ecclesiastical Necessaries, in the Name of Christ: Whether is it, to mock or spite the Christian Religion? Did he ever Dye for Metal, Stones, and Wood? Were these the posterity of Adam? Have Stocks and Stones, Wood and Metal, Immortal Souls? And has Christ commanded some Stones (such as are in Church-Walls) and such Metal as is moulded in Bells, and such Wood as is converted to Roods, and wherewith we Roof Churches, to be Baptized, and not every Pot and Pan, Stick and Stone, we meet with? If they have right to the Sacraments, why not to the Word? And why do you not Preach to them? Why do you not Administer to them the Lord's Supper, since he can eat and drink with the Priest's mouth as well as other Laicks?

My seventh Objection shall be against the Popish Eucharist, wherein Page  15 they pretend both to make and eat God, as is affirmed by Inno∣cencius, in his Mysteries of the Mass, lib. 4. cap. 19. Panis in Cristum transubstantiatur & ita in Creatorem; sic ergo Creatura quotidie fit Crea∣tor. And Bonner, in praise of the Priesthood, saith, The Priests are Creators of their Maker. Truly it is most certain, that at the Cele∣bration of this Holy Sacrament, Christ in a Mystery is more parti∣cularly present, than at other times: But to say that Christ, at his last Supper, did eat up all and whole Christ; and that the eat∣er and the eaten were the same; and that the Apostles were Cani∣bals, and did eat Christ alive; when he was dead in his Grave; and that the B. Virgin did cruelly tear in pieces, and eat up her own Son, every bit and crum; and that God in Christ (who made Men Rational, and is the Author of Order and not Confusion) did con∣found the World both in Sense and Reason; and that in this Sacra∣ment there is Form without Substance, and Substance without Form, and yet no Forma Substantialis; and that Christ's Body is in Heaven, Earth, France, Spain, Italy, and all the World over at once; with∣out Bilocation or Ubiquity: Or, (in few Words) to affirm that a Wicked Debauch'd Priest, can make that which was never unmade, viz. The Eternal ever-living holy God, and then eat up the invisi∣ble Deity; is such a piece of ridiculous, impudent, absurd, brazen-fac'd, blasphemous, self-contradicting Nonsense, as driveth the Turks, Pagans, and Heathens, to astonishment; staineth Christia∣nity, and confirmeth all ungodly Wretches in Atheism and Idolatry, and ought not to be named among Christians. For as Vigil. lib. 4. contra. Eutych. (speaking of Christs Body) saith, When it was on Earth, surely it was not in Heaven: And now because it is in Heaven, certainly it is not on earth.

My eighth Objection shall be against the Church of Rome's depri∣ving her Laity of the Communion-Cup: For if our Saviour was so liberal of his Body and Blood, as to give both to unlearned Fisher∣men, yea to Judas, (whom he knew to be both a Thief and a Traytor) I think the Romish Clergy may do the same to the vulgar, after Confession, without fear of the falling of drops of blood, or mammocks of flesh; for it was no less disparagement to Christ's Body and Blood, to be in the Self-murdering Son of Perdition's Belly, than to lye in a Church floor.

My ninth Objection shall be against the Doctrine of Popish Merit; For if Man, in his best estate, be but Vanity, all his righteousness and best performances but filthy rags, and the best of men but un∣profitable Page  16 Servants: What can foolish men merit at the hand of God? Or what reward can he expect for his empty performances? Yet are the deluded Papists so simple, as to affirm that many of their supposed Saints did live so holily, that they left in bank a superplus stock of good Works, more than merited Heaven to themselves, and Wicked Kinsmen, which now his Holiness of Rome hath laid up in bank as Spiritual Revenues, to be sold to ungodly rich sinners for ready Money, to buy their Salvation, and redeem their deceas'd Friends out of Purgatory. But this principle is so evidently abomi∣nable, that there is no need to refute it to a Rational Man; for there can be no greater absurdity thrown at it, than its own impudence and filthiness. For if Christ's Merits be infinite, and his Raiment (which he proffereth freely) be white as snow, what necessity is there to lay out our money for that which doth not profit, and buy filthy rags which cannot cover our nakedness?

My tenth Objection shall be against the Adoration of Images. For notwithstanding that the changing the Glory of the Incorruptible God, in∣to an Image made like to corruptible Man, and to Birds and Four-footed Beasts, and creeping things, was the abomination of the Gentiles, whom (being vain in their Imaginations) God gave up to vile Affections; yet are not Papists ashamed to build the Sepulchers of their Fathers, painting the Immortal Deity, in similitudes of their own Invention. O Fools! Doth not God fill Heaven and Earth? Are not all Nations, before him, less than Nothing and Vanity? To whom then will ye liken him? Or, Who shall be his equal? It would be reputed a spiteful piece of Misdemeanour, if not High Treason, in any Subject to take the Picture of a Hog, Dog, or Bear, and set it up in his Chamber, and call it the Picture of his King. Yet there is greater disparity be∣twixt God and the best of Creatures, than betwixt a King and a Bear. And what an impudent deluded thing is it in them, to pray to the Images of supposed Saints, Statues, Stocks and Stones, Gods of their own making, and not acknowledge themselves Idolaters: For (say they) We Worship not the Image or Statue, but its Representa∣tive. But, O deluded Wretches! What Fool will conclude that the Israelites, when they Worshipped their Molten Calf, did believe that it was their real God, (which had smitten Aegypt with Plagues, and divided the Red Sea before them) but only his Representative? Yet, for their Idolatry, how many thousands fell in one day? Nei∣ther is it less sin, to pray to Angels and Saints, than to Idols of Stone, Wood and Clay; for if there be but one Omnipotent, Om∣nipresent Page  17 God, who is only able and willing, at all times, to hear and help us. How dare you slight him, (who inviteth us freely,) to embrace those, who are neither able to hear nor help? For Pa∣pists cannot deny that they pray, Holy Michael, defend us in Battel, that we perish not in the fearful Judgment. And to the Blessed Virgin, O Glorious Saint, in whom I put my trust, the Mother of Grace; The Port of Salvation, my Confidence, my Refuge, and my only hope, &c. And to another, thus: Let me obtain Heaven by the Blood of St. Thomas Becket; as if the blood of a Traytor were more efficacious and propitiatory, before God, than the blood of Christ. Moreover, what an abominable thing is it to pray to St. Nicholas, to protect Mariners, St. Luke Painters, St. Crispin Shooe-makers, St. Gal Geese, and Antony Pigs, &c. as if God, whose Providence reacheth the Sparrows, were not the Confidence of all the ends of the Earth, and of those who are afar off, upon the Seas. Moreover, it is ridicu∣lous to pray to that which can neither hear nor help, and say, O Ho∣ly Cross help me. And again, ange piis justitiam, reis{que} dona veniam, Increase Righteousness in the Godly, and grant Pardon to Sinners. And to an old rag to say, O Sancte Sudari! Ora pro nobis, O Holy Napkin pray for us. These are the Works of Delusion, yea, the Mystery of the Man of Sin, which I earnestly desire and request all Papists to forsake, and pray only to God in Christ, the only Me∣diator and Advocate betwixt God and Man, as Jerom in an Epistle to Riparius Writeth; Christians, neither adore nor Worship Mar∣tyrs, nor Sun, nor Moon, nor Angels, lest they should therein rather serve Creatures than the Creator.

My eleventh Objection, against Papists, shall be their praying in an unknown Tongue; for as Paul saith, 1 Cor. 14.9. Except ye utter by the tongue, words easie to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken, for ye shall speak unto the Air? Yea, in this same Chapter, vers. 23. he compareth those who are guilty of this foolery, to Barbarians and Mad-men; and telleth, that tongues are for a sign to them that believe not, but Nonsense to them that believe. Moreover, to be spoke to with stammering lips, and Men of another tongue, was a Curse from God upon Israel, as it is now on the obstinate Romans this day, Isa. 28.11.

My twelfth and last Objection, shall be against their Doctrine of Adultery, or their Clergies single life; wherein they condemn their Sacrament of Marriage as an unholy thing, and a stumbling-block, in the way to Heaven. God appointed it from the beginning, Christ Page  18 countenanc'd it, and the Apostle recommended it as honourable to all Men. What then are they, who give the lye both to God and Man, terming it unholy and unclean, whilst God hath affirmed the contrary, in as direct and plain terms as any man, yea, beyond what the Wisest Orator can express? But (since this is so plain an, absurdity in it self) I shall not spend Pen and Ink, in proving that which no rational man will deny; only suffer me at last now to treat, or rather surfeit your Eyes and Ears, with one abominable Story, which is this: Hudericus, Bishop of Augusta, in an Epistle, Writeth to Pope Nicholas I. that Gregory the Great bound the Cler∣gy to a single Life; but on a certain time, a Woman catching small fishes (which this superstitious Monk thought only lawful to be eat∣en) found 6000 Heads of Infants, which had been therein drown∣ed; which Monk Gregory perceiving to be the effect of the Clergies single Life, with sighing and sorrowing, he revoked the Canon. Yea, it is reported by the foresaid Bishop, that the Clergy did so burn in Lust, that they not only kept Company with Married Wo∣men, and their own Kindred, but with Mankind, and the very Beasts in the Field. Another Story, the Parallel whereof you may read in several Popish Historians, is this: Leander and Tritemius re∣port, that about the year of our Lord 1470, Alanus de Rupe, a Dominican, after he had seen several Visions, contrived his Work called Rosarium, out of our Ladies Psalter, and Preach'd it instead of the Gospel; which Pope Sixtus IV. confirmed, with Bulls and In∣dulgences: Whereupon a certain Book was published, in the beginning whereof is Written, that the B. Virgin came into the Cell of the said Alan, it being shut, and made him a Ring of her own Hair, and betrothed her self to the Monk, kissing him, and giving him leave to handle her Breasts; and finally, to be as intimate as Man and Wife. This is he from whom sprang the Order of Ala∣nites, and whose Miracles the Popish Clergy so zealously defend.

I thought to have spoken something of several other Popish Opi∣nions, especially of Pennance, Pardons and Indulgences, but lest I weary you, I shall only refer you to a little Pamphlet, sold by the Booksellers of London, Intituled, Sodom Fair, which discovereth the Nakedness and Abominations of the Romish Harlot to the Life, or rather Death; from which I pray God may deliver us all.

I resolved once, as I have said, to have given you a taste of all the poysonous and counterfeit Merchandize, that is expos'd in the Market of the Man of Sin, and a touch of all his Hocus Tricks, Page  19 and Popish Pranks: But he who readeth with an Impartial Eye considereth with an Unprejudic'd Understanding, and receiveth what I have here written in an honest Heart, will be ready to turn his back on Babilon, and his face Zion ward, and enquire after the good old way, which is set before us, in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament.

Therefore it is my humble and hearty Advice, that all people be terrified at the Name of Popery, and that all Roman Catholicks open their obstinate Eyes and Ears, to see and hear the Word of Truth, and with the Noble Bereans,, search the Scriptures, the Writings of the Fathers; yea, and their own Legends and Histo∣rians, to see whether what the Christian Protestant Churches affirm, be conform to the Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles or not: Then if Baal be God follow him; if the Pope or his Creature the Hoste, his imaginary Deity be God, follow him: But if there be no God but one, allsufficient, eternal, invisible, and incomprehensible, follow him, according to his own Will, and the Rule which he hath in his Word prescribed to us; but if you will neither hear, nor believe the Word of God, and Scriptures of Truth, nor the Writings of the Fathers, and of your own Historians, then if one should come from the Dead, you will neither hear nor believe him: For they that shut both Eyes and Ears, and resolve to be filthy, will be filthy still. And none can do more, but with the Prophet Jer. 51.8. Wail over you, and cry out We would have healed Babilon, but she is not healed. But remember what the Lord saith by the Prophet Isa. 50.11. Behold all ye that kindle a Fire, that compass your selves about with sparks: Walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled. This shall ye have of mine hand, ye shall lie down in sorrow.