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Title:  The doctrine of the Fourth Commandement, deformed by popery, reformed & restored to its primitive purity objections answered, and the truth cleared, by Gods unworthy servant, J.O.
Author: Ockford, James.
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they were given to the Jewes, then it is er∣rour to exempt our selves from the duty of the fourth Commandement, because it was given to the Jewes.Object. If it be further objected, the duty of the seventh day-Sabbath, belongeth not to us, because our Saviour hath not commanded it to be observed in the Gospel.I answer, It is an ignorant Cavill, against the duty commanded in the fourth Commandement, because our Saviour doth as absolutely require obedience of us, to the duty of the seventh day-Sabbath, inclusively (in Mat. 22.37, 38.39.) as he doth to the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Commandements of the morall Law.Again, If it be a sufficient plea, to exempt our selves from the duty of the fourth Commande∣ment, because it is not expresly repeated by our Saviour in the Gospel: then upon the same conside∣ration, we may as well exempt our selves from the duties taught by the 1, 2, and 3, Commande∣ments of the same Law; for neither of those precepts are in expresse words laid down by our Saviour in the Gospel: therefore, I say, If it be an errour to exempt our selves from the duties of the 1, 2, and 3. Commandements, because the ex∣presse words are not laid down by our Saviour, in the Gospel; then errour it is, for any to exempt themselves from the duties of the fourth Com∣mandement,0