David's harp strung and tuned, or, An easie analysis of the whole book of Psalms cast into such a method, that the summe of every Psalm may quickly be collected and remembred : with a devout meditation or prayer at the end of each psalm, framed for the most part out of the words of the psalm, and fitted for several occasions
Nicholson, William, 1591-1672.

The Prayer out of the fiftieth Psalm.

O Most Mighty and just God, who hast appointed a day in which thou wilt judge the world, when all flesh shall appear before thee to render an ac∣compt of their wayes, whether good or evil, never let that strict accompt that we must make, slip out of our memory, but let the sound of that Arch-angels Trumpet sound in our eares, Arise ye dead, and come to judgement.

God, to whom the secrets of all hearts are open, is then to be the Iudge, [Vers. 6] the Mighty God, even the Lord is to sit upon the Tribunal himself. [Vers. 1] Our God, that hath been patient and long-suffering, shall then manifest himself: [Vers. 3] Silence he will not keep, but by his judiciary power he will vindicate and re∣venge all the deeds and sayings of perverse sinners. And he will come in a terrible manner, for before him shall go a fire that shall consume and purge the whole world. A day it will be of darkness and gloominess, a mighty tempest will go before him, and the whole frame of the universe will be in a Commotion.

How shall then our hearts fail us for fear, [Vers. 1] when the heaven and earth shall be call'd to as Witnesses against us; [ 4] the heaven whose light and influen∣ces we have enjoyed, but been unthankful; [ 6] the earth whose various fruits and beneficence we might have used, but have abused. All his creatures at that day will declare his righteousness, and proclaim, that we are a rebellious people.

Out of that celestial habitation, and that Zion which is above, [Vers. 2] shall our God appear in perfect beauty. His Saints, [Vers. 2] and those who have made a Co∣venant with him, shall be gather'd round about him. When all the workers of iniquity shall call to the Hills to cover them, and the Mountains to hide them from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his Majesty.

O most Merciful and Gracious God, [Vers. 22] give us an understanding heart to consider this. Never suffer us to forget thee, that that day-come not upon us unawares, snatch us not away to condemnation, from which, if we dye in our sins, no man is able to deliver us.

Keep us, O Lord, with thy mighty hand, that when in words we profess Page  132to know thée in déeds we deny not; [ 18] let us never consent to the Thief, nor par∣take with the Adulterer; far be it from us, to give our mouths to evil, and our tongues to frame deceit; [ 19] let us not join with the malicious and factious, and sit and speak against our brother, [ 20] or detract and slander our mothers son; never let such obdurate obstinacy seize upon our hearts, that we hate instruction, or cast thy words behind us: [ 17] These are sins inconsistent with grace, and evident Argu∣ments of a reprobate soul; those that abuse thy patience and long-suffering, commit them; [ 21] and that have profane thoughts of the Divine Majesty, defile themselves with them.

Against all sinners, [ 7] but these especially thou hast testified, these thou hast re∣proved, keep me therefore O Lord, from these presumptuous sins.

Thou art God, even my God; when thou speakest, give me an ear to hear; and what thou commandest, give me a will to do: O let me glorifie thee, and order my Conversation aright, [ 23] that I may obtain salvation.

I have grievously sinned, and wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow my self before my God? Shall I come before him with burnt-offerings, with calves of a year old? will the Lord be pleased with thousands of Rams, or ten thousand Rivers of oyle? [ 11] All the Beasts of the Forrest are his, and so are the Cattle upon a thousand Hills; will he eat Bulls flesh, or drink the blood of Goats? To what purpose are the multitude of sacrifices, and the fat of fed Beasts, these thou delightest not in; incense is an abomination unto thee, the calling of Assemblies, the new Moons, the Sabbaths, all external worship is hateful, and a trouble unto thée, so long as the persons of those who observe them are not accepted; so long as the men are Formalists, Hypocrites, and have their hands full of blood; 'tis the penitent soul to which thou wilt look, the sincere heart which thou wilt regard.

Cleanse me therefore, O Lord, and wash my heart, give me power to put away the evil of my doings; let me cease to do evil, and learn to do well, that so my person being pleasing in thy sight, thou may'st hear my prayers, and ac∣cept my thanks.

It is now a day of trouble, and as thou hast commanded, I call unto thee for help; [Ver. 15] Lord hear my prayers, and deliver me, as thou hast promised; so shall I glorifie thy Name, [ 14] be obliged to offer thee Thanksgiving, and pay my vows to the most High.

Remit Lord, and pardon the sins of thy people, put our present sufferings and extream afflictions before thy eyes, and return to us, who return to thée with fasting, [ 23] wéeping, and mourning; so shall we have just occasion to offer thée praise, and glorifie thée for this great mercy and deliverance for ever and ever; [ 16] thy statutes shall be our song in the house of our pilgrimage, and we will run the way of thy Commandments all the dayes of our life.