David's harp strung and tuned, or, An easie analysis of the whole book of Psalms cast into such a method, that the summe of every Psalm may quickly be collected and remembred : with a devout meditation or prayer at the end of each psalm, framed for the most part out of the words of the psalm, and fitted for several occasions
Nicholson, William, 1591-1672.

The Hymn and Prayer collected from the One hundred and thirty fifth Psalm.

O Omnipotent God, all we thy servants now gathered together in thy Spirit to blesse thy name, and here met in the Courts of the house of our God to praise thee, [Ver. 1] do acknowledge that we have instnite reasons to pay this debt to thy divine Majesty. [ 2] For we know, O Lord, that thou art good, good absolutely in thy self, [ 3] and gracious unto us, and that all our goodnesse is as nothing in comparison of thee. We know again that to sing praises unto thee is a pleasant thing, and therefore our heart shall be glad, when we send forth prayses unto thee with joyful lips. Wee know also that thou art great, and far above all Gods. [ 5] Thy benefits are innumerable, not only which thou hast conferd upon thy chosen people, [ 4] thy Israel, who is thy pecultar treasure, but even which with a full hand, thou hast poured forth upon all mankind.

For in heaven, the earth, the seas, and in all deep places, thou hast done whatsoever thou pleasedst. [ 6] Thou so orderest the clouds, the vapours, the lightning, [ 7] winds, and rain that they may be obedient to thee, and service∣able for the use and sustenance of man. And when thou hast in thy power the Page  483hearts of all Kings and Princes, thou so bendest them, as may make most for the good and saidation of thy people, [ 8] upon them thou revengest their wrongs, [ 9] and deliverest in due time thy chosen people from their power and oppression. Egypt, the Amorites, and Canaanites felt thy power, [ 10] whom thou smotest in thy anger, plaguest, and slew in thy wrath, [ 11] and gavest away their Land for an heritage, even for an heritage to Israel thy people. [ 12]

Thy Name, O Lord, endureth for ever, [Ver. 13] and thy memorial through all genera∣tions, and therefore our hope, which is grounded upon thy promises, [ 14] is there∣by confirmed and increased, that though thou art risen up in judgment against thy people, yet at last it will repent thée concerning thy servants. O merci∣ful God, arise we beséech thée, and behold the miseries and calamities of thy poor servants, and deal not with us according to the merit of our iniquities. Pardon our offences, and let it repent thée of the evil thou hast brought upon us. We have liv'd unworthy of thy Name, unworthy of our Vocation, yet at last break the force of the Devil, and his instruments, [ 15] and repress their pride and boldness, [ 16] that we be not compelled to fall down and wor∣ship the imaginations of their own brains, [ 17] which are little better than the Idols of the Heathens, that nor saw, nor spake, nor heard, [ 18] nor un∣derstood. [ 19] [ 20]

Which mercy if thou will grant us, then all that fear the Lord, [ 21] both Priest and people, the whole house of Aaron, of Levi, and all Israel shall have just occasion to bless the Lord, and say, Blessed be the Lord out of Zion, which dwelleth at Jerusalem. Allelujah.