Practical astrology in two parts : the first part containeth an easie introduction to the whole art of astrologie ... : the second part sheweth the resolution of all manner of horary questions which concern the life of man, his estate, brethren, or short journeys ...
Middleton, John, Philomath.

If good to remove from one house or place, or to abide where he is?

Herein you are to give the Ascendant, his Lord, and the Moon, to signifie the Querent; the seventh House, his Lord, and the Planets posited therein, shall sig∣nifie Page  156the place he intends to go to; the fourth House and his Lord, the House or Land, &c. the tenth House and his Lord shall shew the profit which he shall at∣tain by removing.

If you finde the Lord of the Ascendant, or Lord of the fourth in the seventh, Direct, Swift in motion, and well digni∣ned, and of themselves Fortunate Planets, the Querent may live very well where he is, and not remove.

If you finde fortunate Planets in the As∣cendant or fourth, or Stars of their natures posited therein, and the Moon or Lord of the Ascendant in good aspect with for∣tunate Planets, and they Lords of good Houses, it is best for the Querent to abide where he is.

*But if, on the contrary, you finde the Lord of the seventh with a good Planet, and the Lord of the Ascendant, or Lord of the fourth, with an evil Planet, or a malevolent Planet or Dragons-tail in the Ascendant or fourth; it is then the best way for the Querent to remove.

If you finde the malevolent Planets casting their malevolent Aspects to the Lord of the Ascendant, or the Moon, you are to consider what House the affli∣cting Page  157Planet or Planets are Lord of, and from thence you may know the reason why the Querent will not prosper where he is.

If the Lord of the third afflict the Sig∣nificators, you may judge the Querent lives amongst malicious ill-contrived Neighbours. And so of the rest of the Houses in order, &c.