Practical astrology in two parts : the first part containeth an easie introduction to the whole art of astrologie ... : the second part sheweth the resolution of all manner of horary questions which concern the life of man, his estate, brethren, or short journeys ...
Middleton, John, Philomath.

Of Saturn in the Twelve Signes.

SAturn in Aries, represents one of a mean Stature, ruddy Complexion, but somewhat obscure; high Forehead, great full Eyes, dark Hair, but little on the Beard; a spare lean person, a great boa∣ster of his actions, an ill-natured quarrel∣some contentious person.

In Taurus, he represents one of a mean Stature, a lean Body, a heavy lumpish per∣son, Page  32dark Hair, and no comely person; he is inclined to vitious and sordid acti∣ons, delights in letchery, whoring, and all beastial actions.

In Gemini, he represents one of an in∣different tall Stature, an oval Visage, the Hair black, or a sad brown, a well pro∣portioned Body, humane, and ingenious; but of a perverse nature.

In Cancer, he signifies one of an in∣different Stature, of a sickly constitution of body, thin Face, sad brown Hair; some∣times the person is crooked, ill-shaped, and ill-conditioned, inclined to malice and hatred.

In Leo, he represents one something tall, big-boned, not very much inclined to fatness; the Hair of a light brown; his conditions are indifferent good, but something passionate and revengeful.

In Virgo, he signifies a tall spare body, swarthy Complexion, sad brown or black Hair; a melancholy person, something inclined to Study; malicious; and when angry, it will be long before he be plea∣sed again: he is inclined sometimes to theft, and a person of reserved thoughts.

In Libra, he represents a person of a large Stature, a well-composed Body, an Page  33oval Visage, a large Forehead; he hath sad brown Hair, he is high spirited, well conceited of his own actions, some∣what prodigal and expensive, soon mo∣ved to anger.

In Scorpio, he signifies a person of a low Stature, broad Shoulders, sad brown or black Hair; he is quarrelsome, and much given to debate and contentions, and all sordid actions.

In Sagittary, he represents a well-com∣posed person, of an indifferent large Sta∣ture, brown Hair, courteous in his beha∣viour to all persons, but will not take a∣ny abuse; he is cholerick, but soon re∣conciled.

In Capricorn, he represents one of a middle Stature, not very tall, a lean spare person, long Visage, little Eyes, sad brown or black Hair, a duskish Complexion; he is covetous of worldly goods, a melan∣choly person using but few words; he is peevish, and will retain anger a long time.

In Aquarius, he gives a middle Stature, brown or black Hair, rather inclined to fatness than otherwise; he is of a cour∣teous disposition, of an ingenious fancy; a lover of Arts, yet conceited of his own ingenuity.

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In Pisces, he signifies one of a middle Stature, of a pale Complexion, sad or black Hair, full Eyes, and a great Head; an ill-conditioned, malicious, contentious, dissembling person.