Practical astrology in two parts : the first part containeth an easie introduction to the whole art of astrologie ... : the second part sheweth the resolution of all manner of horary questions which concern the life of man, his estate, brethren, or short journeys ...
Middleton, John, Philomath.

11. Of AQƲARY.

Aquary is a Masculine, Diurnal, Fixed, Sanguine, and Humane signe, of the airy Triplicity.

It denotes one of a strong well-com∣posed Body, not very tall, but fleshy, the Visage oval, or something long; of a clear Skin, and sanguine Complexion, generally sandy flaxen Hair.

It signifies hilly Grounds, Mines, and Quarries of Stone, and places lately dig∣ged up. In Houses, it signifies the up∣per part, as Roofs, Eaves, &c.