A geographical description of the world with a brief account of the several empires, dominions, and parts thereof : as also the natures of the people, the customs, manners, and commodities of the several countreys : with a description of the principal cities in each dominion : together with a short direction for travellers.
Meriton, George, 1634-1711.
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SYria hath on the East, Euphrates; on the West, the Mediterranean Sea; on the North, Cilicia; and on other parts, Asia minor.

The Inhabitants of this Countrey are either Mahumetans, or Christi∣ans: these later are divided into the Sects of Melchies, Jacobites, and Maronites: these last inhabit only Mount Libanus, so much renowned for its goodly Cedars.

In this Countrey, between it and Armenia minor, live a certain people whom they call Cardi, or Coordes. These men worship the Devil, and with good reason, as they think, because God is a good man, and will do no man harm; but the Devil is a Knave, and must be pleased.

This Countrey is divided into three Provinces, viz. Phoenicia, Coelo-Syria, and Syro-Phoenicia.

Page  146*Phoenicia lyeth South towards Ca∣naan. The chief Cities are, 1. Acon, seated in a fair plain, within a Creek of the Sea of the same name, and compassing the City: And such a plain lies all along the Coast from Joppa to Trippoli. This City was fa∣mous for the Armies of Europe passing to conquer these parts. 2. Sa∣repta, where Elias was sustained in a Famine by a Widdow. 3. Sydon, once a famous City, now contracted into a narrower compass. 4. Tyre, the ruines whereof witness the old magnificence. This Countrey a∣boundeth with Wheat, Honey, Oyl, and Balm.

*The second Province is Coelo-Syria, whose chief Cities are, 1. Hie∣ropolis, famous for the Temple and worship of the Syrian Goddess. 2. Damascus: this City is seated in a very fruitful soyl, bearing Grapes all the year long, and girt round with most curious and odoriferous Gardens. The Syrian Kings men∣tioned in the Bible, were of this Syria.

Page  147*The third Province is Syro-Phoe∣nicia, whose chief Cities are, 1. Be∣ritus, a famous Mart-Town, nigh unto which St. George is said to have delivered the Kings Daughter, by killing the Dragon; in memory whereof there was a Castle and an Oratory built in the same place, and dedicated to St. George. 2. Aleppo; this City was of old called Aram-Sohab, (mentioned in the 2 Sam. 8. chaep. and 3. vers.) The Traffick in this place is exceeding great, so as the Goods of all Asia, and the Eastern Islands, are brought hither, or to Cayro in Egypt.

This City lies within Land, (the Port whereof (called Alexandretta by the Christians, and Scanderona by the Turks) I shall hereafter de∣scribe.) The building of this City, as of all houses of Syria, is one roof high, with a plain top plastered to walk upon, and with arches before the houses, under which they walk dry, and keep Shops of Wares. This City is well fortified, pleasantly seated, and hath many fair Gardens. Page  148 The air here is exceeding hot and subtile, so as the Christians coming hither from Scanderona, (a most un∣healthfull place, choaked with Fens) commonly fall sick and dye; and this is the cause the English Factors im∣ployed here, seldom return into England. Within this City the English Merchants have three houses, as it were Colledges, where they live. In these parts they have Sheep, the tail of one wreathed to the ground, doth weigh 30 or more pounds in fat and wool.

The 3. City is Biblis. 4. Tripolis, (so called for difference from Tripoli in Africk:) The Haven lies on the West-side, and is compassed with a Wall, wherein were many little Barks, and some Ships of Marseils in France. The Haven is fortified with seven Towers, and upon it are built many Store-houses for Merchants. The City lies some half a mile from the Haven, and is seated on the side of a Hill; near unto this City lies Mount Libanus; this Mountain is very pleasant, abounding in fruitfull Page  149 Trees, and with Grapes yielding a rich Wine; upon the North-side without the Gates, they keep many Silk-worms, in most pleasant Gar∣dens. The building of Tripoli, is like to the other buildings in Syria. The Street which leads to Aleppo is broad, the rest narrow; and the air and waters are unhealthfull. The chief Traffick of this City is for the most part removed to Damascus and Aleppo. The 5. City is Antiochia, the Metropolis of all Syria.