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Title:  The Mens answer to the womens petition against coffee vindicating their own performances and the virtues of that liquor from the undeserved aspersions lately cast upon them by their scandalous pamphlet.
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are almost Innumerable and its vertues (if you will be∣leive Pointing, able to out-noise the Quack-bil of an all∣healing Doctor, when your kindness at the Close Hugg has bestowed on us a virulent Gonorrhaea, this is out Ca∣tholicon, Ens Naturae and Aqua Tetrachymagogon is an Ass to it, 'Tis base adulterate wine and surcharges of Mud∣dy Ale that enfeeble nature, makes a man as salatious as a Goat, and yet as impotent as Age, whereas Coffee Collects and settles the Spirits, makes the erection more Vigorous, the Ejaculation more full, adds a spiri∣tualescency to the Sperme, and renders it more firm and suitable to the Gusto of the womb, and proportionate to the ardours and expectation too, of the female Para∣mour.As for our taking Tobacco you have no reason to ob∣ject, since most of your own Sex are so well skilled in managing a pipe; and if you find that of your Husbands to be naught, 'tis his natural infirmity, or your own perpetual Pumping him (not drinking Coffee) is the occasion of the defect, and therefore let such Tom Far∣things be forbidden the decoction of the rare Arabian Betry, and condemned everlastingly with the rest of doelittles Congregation, to the carrying of Glister∣pipes for the use of the well effected Sisterhood.You may well permit us to talk abroad, for at home we have scaree time to utter a word for the insufferable Din of your ever active Tongues, the Foolish extrava∣gancies of our lives, are infinitly out-done by the wild Frolliques of yours; 'Till Noon you lie a Bed hatch∣ing Concupiscence, then having paid your Adoaions, to the Ugly Idol in the Glass, you descend to Dinner, 0