The life and death of that Reverend Man of God, Mr. Richard Mather, teacher of the church in Dorchester in New-England
Mather, Increase, 1639-1723.
Page  19

An Argument concerning Ministers onely.

TO remove from such a place where the Pastors of the Congregation cannot exercise the Lords Discipline by Ruling and Governing their own Flocks by Cn∣suring those that ought to be Censured, &c. to a place where they may do it, is necessary for them that are free.

1. Because they are commanded to fulfill their Ministry and to perform all the parts of their Pastoral Office, Coloss▪ 4. 17. 2 Tim. 4. 5. And this of Administring the Keyes of Discipline is one, Matth. 16. 19.

2. Because Christ hath no where dispensed with them in any part thereof.

3. Because God hath reproved them that have failed to do this, Rev. 2. 20.

4. Because Parents and Masters are bound to remove if they were in such Commonwealths, where they might not be suffered to Rule and Govern their own Children and Ser∣vants. The Reason whereof is, Because they are bound to preserve their Children and Servants from being over∣thrown, if it be in their power; but where such restraint is, they are in danger to be overthrown.

Now the Consequence of the Reason is, That then Mini∣sters being free, are bound to remove, if they be in such place where they may not govern their own Flocks.

The Reason of which Consequence is, Because of Parents and Masters over their Children and Servants, and of Pa∣stors over their Congregations, there is par Ratio, That if one be bound in case aforesaid to remove, the other are bound in the like case to remove also.