A new historical relation of the kingdom of Siam by Monsieur De La Loubere ... ; done out of French, by A.P. Gen. R.S.S.
La Loubère, Simon de, 1642-1729., A. P.

Of the Siamese Cyphers.

I Have nothing to say of the Siamese Characters, save that an experienc'd man inform'd me that they resembled those, which he had found on some Arabi∣an Medals between four and five hundred years old. The Siamese names of the Powers of the number Ten are these.

Noee, which they pronounce Noai, signifies Number.

Sib, which they pronounce Sip, signifies Ten, and Tenth.

Roi, which they pronounce Roe, signifies a Hundred, and Hundredth.

Pan, a Thousand.

Meuing, Ten Thousand.

Seen, or Sen, an Hundred Thousand, or Hundredth of Thousand. Abraham Roger, p. 104. Of the Manners of the Bramines, says that at Paliacata, Lac signifies an Hundred Thousand; and Bernier says Laque, in his Relation of the Gentiles of In∣dostan, pag. 221.

Cot, a Million. Abraham Roger in the before-quoted place, saith that at Palia∣cata, Coti signifies Ten Millions.

Page  178Lan, Ten Millions.

The numbers are plac'd before the Substantive, as in our Tongue: but these numbers are put after the Substantive, to signifie the names of Orders. Thus Sam Deuan signifies Three Months, and Deuan Sam the Third Month.