The accompt clear'd in answer to a libel intituled, A true account from Chichester, concerning the death of Habin the informer &c.
L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704.
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GEorge Butterly Farrier in the City of Chichester, being im∣ployed by the Lord Bishop in the Cure of his Horses lately wounded, in all probability mortally by the largeness and depth of the Wounds, did come before me Stephen Penford one of His Ma∣jesties Justices of the Peace, and voluntarily make Oath that the said Horses were so miserably wounded (as he believeth) by some man with some shap Weapon, and that there doth not appear to him any circumstance that the Horses were gored by a Beast, as is assert∣ed falsely in a late label.

Jurat coram me9 Sept.