Modern curiosities of art & nature extracted out of the cabinets of the most eminent personages of the French court : together with the choicest secrets in mechanicks, communicated by the most approved artists of France
Lémery, Nicolas, 1645-1715.
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To embellish and preserve Beauty. CHAP. III.

The Receipt of the Queen of Hungaries Water.

IN the City of Buda, in the Kingdom of Hun∣gary, is to be seen the present Receipt, of the most serene Princess, Donna Isabella, Queen of Hungary.

I Donna Isabella, Queen of Hungary, aged se∣venty two years, infirm in my Members, and Gouty, have used this present Receipt a whole Year, which an Hermite, whom I never saw before, nor since, gave me; which had such effect upon me, that from that instant I was cured, and recovered my Strength, insomuch as appearing beautiful to every one, the King of Poland would have espoused me; whom I refused, for the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, believing it was given me by an Angel.

Take Aqua Vitae distilled four times, thirty ounces, Rosemary-flowers twenty ounces, put all into a Vessel close stop'd, the space of fifty hours, then distill them in an Alembick in Balneo Mariae; and take thereof a dram in the morning once a week, in some other Li∣quour, Page  75or else with your Victuals; and wash the Face every morning; and rub the infirm Members therewith.

This Remedy renews the Vigor, causes a good Spirit, cleanses the marrow, fortifies the animal Spirits, renewing their Operati∣ons; restores the Sight, and preserves it to old Age; it is excellent for the Stomach and Brest, rubbing them therewith: When you use this Remedy, you need not warm it.

For the Pimples in the Face.

Put Salt-petre into a Linnen-cloth, and tye it well, then having wet it in fair Water, wash them therewith.

For the Redness in the Face.

Take Monks-Rubarb, and Mutton, boil them together, and wash the Face with the Water thereof.

For the same.

Upon a pound of Veal put six new laid Eggs; beat them together, and add half a pint of White-Wine-Vinegar, and an hand∣ful of wild Tansy, distill them in Balneo Mariae, and wash the Face therewith.

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For the same.

Take Plantan-water, with the Essence of Sulphur, put them together, and apply them night and morning with a Linnen-Cloth.

To take the Spots out of the Face.

Take the Roots of sharp pointed Docks, and Melons, of each two pounds, ten Swal∣lows Eggs, Salt of Nitre half an ounce, white Tartar two ounces, beat and mingle them all together, and distill them in a Glass Alem∣bic, and wash with this Water, and you will see Wonders.

Cloths for Masques.

Take four ounces of white Wax, Goats Grease, Sperma Coeti, of each two ounces, Camphir one ounce, melt them all together, and dip your Cloths therein.

A most excellent Water for the Face.

Take a Loaf of Wheat flower, moistned with Goats-milk, put it into the Oven, and draw it our before it be baked enough, and take out the Crumbs, which you shall crum∣ble as small as you can, and soak it in new Goats milk; to which add half a dozen o Page  77the whites of Eggs, strained through a Sponge, this done, take an ounce of Powder of burnt Egg-shells, and put them all together, being well mingled, into a Glass Alembick, and di∣still them with a gentle Fire; and you will have an excellent Water to take away the Spots and Redness of the Face; and will whiten and beautifie it wonderfully.

A Water to whiten the Face.

Take of the Root of the wild Vine, and of the Roots of Narcissus, put them both into an Alembic of Glass, with a pint of Cows milk, and the Crums of white-bread▪ •…till them▪ and to use it, mingle it half with the Queen of Hungaries Water, and you will see it will whiten very well.

Water of Venice, very good for the Face.

Take two quarts of black Cows Milk in the month of May, put it into a Glass Bottle, with eight Citrons, and four Oranges pill'd and slic'd, an ounce of Sugar-Candy, and half an ounce of Borax; put them all in Bal∣neo Mariae, or in Sand, to distill them in a fire always equal, which is the principal thing, and stop not the Bottle till the day after 'tis distilled.

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For the same.

Take two Citrons without their Peels, and slice them, twelve new-lay'd Eggs, six Sheeps-feet cut in pieces, with their Bones, Sugar-Candy four ounces; a good slice of a Melon, as much of a Pompion; two drams of Borax; distill them all in a Glass Alembic, with a Leaden Cover.

To take away Spots in the Face.

Take Housleek, and Clary, and distill them in Balneo Mariae, and wash them with this Water.

How to prepare Oxe-Gall.

Take such a quantity of Oxe-gall, as you will, and put it into a glass Vial; and for one ounce of Gall, add a drachm of Roch Allum; half an ounce of Sal Gemma, or Salt of Glass; an ounce of Sugar-Candy, two drachms of Borax, and one drachm of Champhire; beat them apart, then mingle them together, and put them to the Oxe gall, and stir them the space of a quarter of an hour, or thereabouts; then let them settle; do thus two or three times a day for a Fortnight, till the Gall be∣come as clear as Water; the which you shall filtre through a brown Paper, and keep it for Page  79your use. 'Tis us'd to preserve Persons from being Sun burnt, in putting it upon the Face, when you would go in the Country, washing them at night with common Water, and this will take off all the gross Tan.

A Water for a tan'd Face.

Take half a quarter of Wheat-Bran, sift it well till there remain no meal; infuse it in good Vinegar for at least three or four hours; then add the yolks of Eggs: dissolve or distill it in B. M. from this Distillation will come an admirable Water, which will set a wonder∣ful Lustre upon the Face; you will do well to put it in the Sun for eight or ten days, the Bottle being well stop'd.

A Water to Beautifie the Face, and to take away the wrinkles.

Take River Water, and strain it through a white Linnen Cloth; put it into a new glaz'd earthen Pot, with an handful of Barley well wash'd and cleans'd from dust, and boyl it over a Charcoal fire till the Barley be broken; then take it from the fire and let it stand, and then strain it through a Linnen Cloth, in∣to a glass Bottle, that it be a quarter empty, to which add three drops of white Balsam, or Balsam of Peru, the first is the best, to a quart of Water; and then shake the Bottle for Page  8010 or 12 hours without intermission, till the Balsom be intirely incorporated into the said Water, and the Water remain a little trou∣bled, and a little whitish, and then it hath arriv'd to its perfection; It wonderfully embellishes the Face, and preserves it young and fresh: it takes away wrinkles also in time, in using it once a day.

Note, you must wash your Face with River, Rain, or Fountain-water, before you use this Water.

To take away the wrinkles from the Face.

Take a Fire-shovel, and heat it; and cast thereon the Powder of Myrrh; putting the Face over it, to receive the Fume, having a a course Cloth about the Head, the better to receive the Fume; do this thrice; then heat∣ing the Fire-shovel again, take some White∣wine in your mouth, and besprinkle the Sho∣vel therewith, receiving the Fume that rises, doing thus likewise thrice, continuing it morning and evening, as long as you will, and you will see wonders.

A most excellent Pomatum for the Face.

Take what quantity you please of Sheeps-feet, and having peel'd them, take out the Bones, and break the long Bones to take out the Marrow; do this at full of the Moon, for Page  81there's then much more Marrow; to do this well, you must steep the Bones a day or two in Water, and set it in a Cellar, changing the Water three or four times a day; by which means you will break them more easi∣ly; to two dozen of Sheeps-feet, you must add at least half a dozen of Calves feet; having taken out the Marrow, wash it in several Wa∣ters, and in Rose Water till it be very white; then also wash the Bones well after you have taken out the Marrow; and boil them in fair water an hour or two; then strain them through a Linnen Cloth, and let the Water stand till the next night; then with a silver Spoon take off the oyl or grease that swims, or is fixt upon it; the which you shall put to the Marrow, and melt them over a Charcoal Fire, adding to the weight of about four ounces, a dram of Borax, and as much Roch Allum calcin'd; and boiling them a very little, add thereto two ounces of the Oyl of the four cold Seeds drawn without Fire; with a little white Wax, or Mutton Suet; but that of the Hide or Skin of a Kid is best of all; for some hold that the first reddens the Face, and the Wax cuts it; when this doth neither; then strain it through a Linnen Cloth, and keep it for your use.

An excellent Pomatum for the Lips.

Take Oyl of sweet Almonds, one ounce, put it upon the Fire, with about a drachm o Page  82a little more of Mutton Suet newly kill'd, and of wild Bugloss scrap'd to give it a Colour; boil them some time together; and 'tis made for your use: you may if you will, in lieu of Oyl of sweet Almonds take that of Jasmin, or other Flowers, if you would give it a good Scent; the Oyl of sweet Almonds must be drawn without Fire.

To take away the redness of the Face.

Take the long Bones of Sheeps-feet, and burn them in the Fire, till they may be easily powdred: which you shall infuse in White-Wine for the space of twenty four hours; then strain it, and use it, to wash and cleanse the Face; for four Feet you must have a Glass of White-wine.

Handcherchiefs of Venice.

Take of French Chalk, half a quarter, calcine it in a Glass Furnace, or otherwise; then moisten it with good Aqua Vitae, or good Spirit of Wine; letting them incorporate well together for twenty four hours; then wet your Cloths therewith, and let them dry in the shade, out of the Dust, the Sun, or Fire, 'tis good to moisten them thrice, and then use them dry'd: This manner is most excellent, and never fails.

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Lac Virginis.

Take Storax and Benjoin of each two oun∣ces, Powder them and strain them with twelve ounces of Spirit of Wine three or four times; put them all in a Glass Bottle, that is two thirds empty, stop it with Parchments, pricking four or five holes in it; then put in Balneo Mariae, for a quarter of an hour only, that is, when you see the Water boil take the Vial off quickly, and wrap it in a Napkin, that the Bottle break not; then take an ounce of white Balsam, or that of Peru, into which put the treddle of an Egg, first mingled in your hand, with as little as may be of Aqua Vitae; then let all settle for forty Days, and then use it.

Another Lac Virginis, more ready and sure.

Take Housleek, beat it in a Marble Mor∣tar, and take out the Juice with a Press; strain the Juice, warming first a very little; which helps to Clarifie it; and when you will you may use it; you must put it into a Glass, and put therein some drops of good Spirit of Wine, and instantly you will have a kind of curdled Milk of the said Juice, which is most excellent to unite the Skin, and take out wrinkles.

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A most excellent Spanish White.

Take the Seeds of Oriental Pearl, white or pale Coral, of each two ounces, beat them a∣part, then put them into a Matras, and add as much Aq. fort. as you shall think fit, Juice of Citron is better: then you must have ano∣ther Matras, wherein you must put Tin-Ice 8 ounces; having first beaten it well, and pour therein the said Water, till all be dissolv'd; then mingle the Pearl and Coral together, and that which you have dissolv'd to the Tin-Ice, pour upon the said Pearl and Coral, to cause them to precipitate, and before you mingle them, you must add twice every day Foun∣tain-water, till you perceive no Taste of the Aqua-fortis, and then you shall use it with Peach-Flowers, distilling each apart; and when you use them, take a little quantity of each, and so Compound them.

To whiten the Teeth.

Take Rose-Water, Syrup of Roses, white Honey, Plantan-Water, of each half an ounce, Spirit of Vitriol four ounces; mingle them together, and rub your Teeth with a Linnen-Cloth, and wash them with equal parts of Rose and Plantan-Water.

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For the same.

Take Sage, Flowers of red-Roses, of each a small handful, Orris-root half an ounce, Guaiacum three drams, Rose-wood a dram; Cuttle-bone, two drams; Mastich three drams, Myrrh and Cinamon of each a dram; Pu∣mice-stone prepared six drams; red Sanders finely powdred half an ounce; red Coral six drams, make them into a Powder.

For the same.

Take red Coral, Cuttle-bone, both re∣duced to fine Powder, Pearls, Crabs-claws calcin'd, burnt Harts-horn, of each one dram; Salt of Worm-wood a Scruple; make them into a Powder.

For the same.

Take Rosemary-wood, and burn it to a Coal, which you shall put into Rose-Vine∣gar, letting it infuse twenty four hours in a clear Shade, then dry it in the Sun, and powder it, and rub your Teeth therewith.

To hinder the Hair from falling

Take Parcely Seed, and make it into an impalpable Powder, and Powder the Head Page  86therewith, three Nights, every other Night; once a Year only, and there will never fall one Hair.

To make the Hair Grow.

Take the tops of Hemp, when it begins to appear above Ground, steep it twenty four hours in Water, wherewith you shall well moisten the Teeth of the Comb you make use of, only every encrease of the Moon: it is certain this Makes the Hair grow much.

To Colour the Hair.

Take Oyl of Tartar warm, as much as you think fit; anoint a Sponge or a Comb therewith, and comb the Head in the Sun, having first washed your Head; do thus thrice a day, and in seven daies at farthest they will become black; and if you would have them odoriferous, anoint them with Oyl of Benjoin.

A Water to Colour the Hair black.

Dissolve an ounce of fine Silver in thin Plates, in two ounces of Aqua Fortis, in a Matras, with a gentle Fire; the Silver being dissolved, add half a pint of Rose water, and make them boil a quarter of an hour; then add the Juyce of two Citrons; then boil them again another quarter of an hour; and Page  87when you use it, take a spoonful of this Wa∣ter, which you shall keep in a Bottle, and add four spoonfuls of Rose-water, and as much of Juyce of Citrons, warm them, and wash the Head or Beard therewith, taking care that you touch not the Skin; but take a little Stick and tye a Linnen Cloth to its end, and therewith touch the Hair of the Head or Beard, and let it dry.

A Past for the Hands.

Take a pound of blanch'd Almonds, and an ounce of yellow Sanders sers'd, two ounces of Calamus sers'd, an ounce of Orris; two Glasses full of Rose-water; a Rennet Apple cut in little pieces; the Crumbs of a white penny Loaf, well dryed and sers'd; make a Paste of all, with two ounces of Gum Dra∣ganth dissolved in Rose-water, for your Hands or Face.

Another Past for the Hands.

Take Apples and pare them, and beat them in a Marble Mortar, slicing them first; moisten them with Rose-water, and White-wine: put White-bread Crumbs, and Al∣monds well moistned, blanch'd and bray'd with Wine, then add a little white Soap: and keep it for your use.

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Take two pounds of sweet Almonds, blanch and beat them in a Marble Mortar, infuse them in two quarts of Goats or Cows Milk, for two or three hours, strain and press them in a course Linnen-Cloth: put this strained Liquour in a Basin, over a Charchoal Fire: adding thereto the Crumbs of a two penny white Loaf: with about two drams of Borax, and as much burnt roch Allum: and towards the end an ounce of Sperma Coeti, you must stir it constantly, that it stick not to the bot∣tom of the Basin, the sign that 'tis enough, is, that it will not fall from the Spatula in taking it out: to boil it to purpose, it will take five or six hours at least, this Past is most excellent.

To make the Hair grow quickly.

Take the Juyce of Nettles, that grow in the Sun rising, wherein moisten the Teeth of your Comb every Morning: and comb the Hairs upward, and they will grow quickly. Probatum.

To make one have a good Voyce.

Take a dram of Elder Flowers powdred, and put into White-Wine, fasting in a Morn∣ing.