Modern curiosities of art & nature extracted out of the cabinets of the most eminent personages of the French court : together with the choicest secrets in mechanicks, communicated by the most approved artists of France
Lémery, Nicolas, 1645-1715.

How to drive away Fleas, Punaises, and other In∣sects CHAP. XX.

To destroy the Punaises.

TAke Juice of Worm wood, and common Oyl, enough of each, which boil toge∣ther, till all the Juice be consumed; then strain the Oyl, and cast it into live Sulphur, and with this Oyl, rub the Bed and Craneys.


Take the Gall of an Ox, and Oyl of Hemp-seed, mix them together, and rub the joints Page  237and wood of the Bed, and where you have rubbed, never any Punice will come.


Rub the Wood with the Juice of old Cu∣cumbers that are let run to seed.

Another way.

Steep Oxes Liver in strong Vinegar, and wash your Bed-stead, and lay some great Comfrey under your Boulster. Probatum.


Take some Cypress Nuts and beat them, then infuse in Oyl, which must be two fin∣gers above them, and leave them in the Sun, and the Evening Air for forty eight hours, and having strained the Oyl, squeezing out the said Nuts very well, rub your Bed-stead.

To destroy the Fleas.

Upon a pound of white Copperas, pour a Bucket of Water, and when the Copperas is sunk, sprinkle your Chamber with that Wa∣ter.

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Sprinkle the Chamber with Decoction of Rue, mixed with Asses Piss. Probatum.

Another way for the same, which is also good against the Punices, the Wezils in Corn, and Worms in Trunks.

Dry black Hellebore, and strow it in your Chamber as you would do Flowers, or in your Bed, or among Corn or Cloths, and none of the aforesaid things will hurt them. Probatum.

For Moths in Cloths.

The Herb called Botris, dryed and layed among Cloths, keeps them from Moths and Worms.

Another way.

Candles made of Mutton Grease wrapped in Paper, and the Rroots of Orris, or Worm∣wood are very good.

For Punaises.

Boil Coloquintida with Rue and Water, wash the Bed-sted therewith, and no Punices will come.

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To destroy Flies

Put Leaf Tobacco into a Pot, and infuse it in Water twenty four hours, then add Hony, and boil it an hour, and strew over it some Flower in the manner of Sugar; that draws the Flies, and all that taste it certainly die.

Another way.

Take what quantity you think fit of Citrul, or Gourd-leaves, pound them to extract the Juice, with which wash the Walls, or other thing you desire to preserve from the Flies, and they will not come there for certain; you may rub a Horses Thighs and Belly to the same intent.

To drive Mice from the House.

Take Vervain, and steep it in Water, let∣ting it infuse twenty four hours; then strew it about the House, and the Mice will fly.