Modern curiosities of art & nature extracted out of the cabinets of the most eminent personages of the French court : together with the choicest secrets in mechanicks, communicated by the most approved artists of France
Lémery, Nicolas, 1645-1715.

A most excellent Balsam.

Take three Handfuls of Wormwood, of Mugwort, Rue, Rosemary, Sage, the Flow∣ers and Leaves of each two Handfuls, Lawrel-berries, according to the quantity you will make; but you must have more Rue and Wormwood than other Herbs: boyl them in a Kettle in a sufficient quantity of Oyl of Nuts; and when the Herbs are enough, the which you will know when they look black, then take them out of the Kettle, and pour out the clear Oyl gently: then press the Herbs in a Cloth with a Press, to draw out all their Virtue; which add to the clear Oyl: put thereto, to the Proportion of the Quanti∣ty, Pitch-Rosin beaten one Pound, Bees-wax half a Pound, Venice Turpentine two drams, Oyl of Spike two ounces, stirring it continu∣ally with a woodden Spatula. When all is well melted, strain it, and throw away the Dregs: put this Balm into a glaz'd Pot, stop'd well with Parchment and varnish'd Leather thereon; and to do well, it must be put into a Horse-dunghil for six Weeks, and use it as followeth: and if you will have it liquid, put not in so much Wax-Rosin.