The life and death of that old disciple of Jesus Christ and eminent minister of the Gospel Mr. Hanserd Knollys who dyed in the ninety third year of his age written with his own hand to the year 1672 ; and continued in general in an epistle by Mr. William Kiffin.
Knollys, Hanserd, 1599?-1691., Kiffin, William, 1616-1701.
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IT was the special Charge God gave to his people of old, that the many signal Pro∣vioences and Mercies that they had received from him, should by them be recorded and left to their Childrens Children, to that end, that the memorial of his goodness might cause them to love and fear his Name, and there∣fore they are required to bless the Lord from the Fountain of Israel, from the very beginning of all his Favours towards them; and it is no small favour the Servants of God are made partakers of, that his people of old have left so many testimonies of the gracious goodness and Providences of God towards them, they being a means to strengthen the Faith of his People, in a dependency upon him in all those variety of dispensations that do attend them in this World; that whatever troubles they Page  [unnumbered] meet withall in this Life, they may know that God deals no otherwise with them than be hath done to those that formerly have feared his Name, and may be comforted with the same comforts and supports which his Servants for∣merly have received from God. The Author of these ensuing Experiences, was that an∣cient and faithful Servant of God, Mr. Hanserd Knollys, who departed this Life in the 93d. year of his Age, having bin employ∣ed in the Works and Service of Christ, as a faithful Minister for above 60 Years, in which time he laboured without fainting under all the discouragements that attended him, being contented in all conditions, tho' never so poor in this World, under all persecutions and sufferings, so he might therein serve his bles∣sed Lord and Saviour. I have my self known him for above 54 years, and can witness to the Truth of many things left by him under his own hand; st is great pity that the last 20 years of his Life cannot be found amongst his Writings, which to the knowledge of many were attended with the same fufferings as formerly, and with the same holy Behaviours under them; he in that time was a Prisoner in the New-Prison for the Truths sake many months, where with great chearfulness he remained, com∣forting and encouraging all that came to vi∣sit him, with many blessed Exhortations to Page  [unnumbered] cleave to the Lord; none were sent empty a∣way without some spiritual Instructions, and many of his Fellow-prisoners were greatly strengthened and comforted by that heavenly Counsel that dropped from his lsps, spending much of his time there in Prayer and Study of the Word of God, daily preaching to them the things that concern the Kingdom of God.

He was chosen an Elder to a Congregati∣on in London, with whom he laboured for near 50 years, under many difficulties that dsd attend him, but neither the poverty of the Church, nor the Persecutions that atten∣ded him, were any temptation to him to neglect his Duty towards them, but was wil∣ling to be poor with them in their poverty, and to suffer with them in their sufferings▪ being willing to labour for his own and his Families Bread, by keeping a School, when they were not able to supply his wants, al∣tho he wanted not opportunity to have advan∣ced himself in the World, if he would have accepted of them; but like a faithful Pastor he chose rather to be poor, and suffer affli∣ction, than to leave the Duty and Work he was called unto, in which he was employ∣ed, untill he arrived to the age of above Ninety years, and when he found weaknesses attend him, his love and affection to that poor Church was such, that he was daily exer∣cising Page  [unnumbered] his thoughts to have an able Minister for them in his room; declaring to several of his Friends what great satisfaction it would be to him, to see one settled amongst them, and that he would be willing to part with something of that little which he had (if there was need) for his Maintenance of the Church, towards the supply of him: And it pleased God to provide one for them, to his great satisfaction and rejoycing. And so great was his natural affection, and tender care for his Daughter and Grand-children, who he knew were like to come to some di∣stress, that he did accordingly at that great Age again undertake the Teaching of a School, that he might do to the uttermost of his abi∣lity to provide for them.

And having finished his Work, he fell asleep in the Lord, the 19th. of Septem∣ber, 1691. That these Experiences may be of use to all those that read the same, is the Desire and Prayer of

Thine in the Lord, William Kiffin.