Politikos megas the grand politician, or, The secret art of state-policy discovered in evident demonstrations of unparalleled prudence, and confirmed with wonderful and successful adventures, stratagems and exploits of wisdom and subtility, both in peace and war, by the most remarkable witts of former ages : being a treatise both useful and necessary for all nobles, states-men, judges, lawyers, justices of peace, officers of wars, and all such as now are, or may happen to stand at the helm of publick affairs, whether in kingdom or commonwealth
Reinking, Conradus., Ker, Patrick, fl. 1691.

INTRIGUE LVI. Cancerning the Instruments of Power.

CAligula Caesar used to say that there were two things whereby Power was acquir'd, preserved, and augmented; which were Mo∣ney, and strength of Arms. For it is impossi∣ble that a Kingdom can continue safe, without sometimes War, neither can Souldiers be kept without Money: when there is neither Peace without War, nor War without Money; nor can Money be had without Taxes; How then can Taxes be exacted, securely, without hatred, heart-burning, and envy? But this we shall show you hereafter.