Politikos megas the grand politician, or, The secret art of state-policy discovered in evident demonstrations of unparalleled prudence, and confirmed with wonderful and successful adventures, stratagems and exploits of wisdom and subtility, both in peace and war, by the most remarkable witts of former ages : being a treatise both useful and necessary for all nobles, states-men, judges, lawyers, justices of peace, officers of wars, and all such as now are, or may happen to stand at the helm of publick affairs, whether in kingdom or commonwealth
Reinking, Conradus., Ker, Patrick, fl. 1691.

INTRIGUE CII. What Cautions are to be used in proposing difficult Matters.

THE Deceitful Proposals of Incredible things, are to be avoided; and the Artifices of Impostors, wherewith they commonly cheat Princes of their Wealth, ought to be examined before they be believed; for great Pretenders, the more easily to attain their ends, persuade Princes to be at some small cost, to acquire great gains; as to level Mountains, turn the Courses of Rivers, to look out for Treasures, and Mines of Gold, to invent new Engines, to Transubstantiate Mettals, to find out the Philosopher's Stone, &c. whereby, with their Deceitful Confidence, they seem to provoke and force Nature her self: Yet, as we must not altogether believe them, so must we not absolutely slight and reject them; but the Author's Sincerity must be observed, and Visi∣tors sent, to find out whether he offereth any Page  150feasible Proposal, which must be consulted up∣on, and tried by competent Judges; so that nothing may be undertaken rashly; for here the Italian Proverb, and Rule taketh place, D∣gran parti parti-ti; that is to say, Beware of them who promise too much gain.