The American physitian, or, A treatise of the roots, plants, trees, shrubs, fruit, herbs, &c. growing in the English plantations in America describing the place, time, names, kindes, temperature, vertues and uses of them, either for diet, physick, &c. : whereunto is added a discourse of the cacao-nut-tree and the use of its fruit, with all the ways of making of chocolate ... / by W. Hughes.
- Title
- The American physitian, or, A treatise of the roots, plants, trees, shrubs, fruit, herbs, &c. growing in the English plantations in America describing the place, time, names, kindes, temperature, vertues and uses of them, either for diet, physick, &c. : whereunto is added a discourse of the cacao-nut-tree and the use of its fruit, with all the ways of making of chocolate ... / by W. Hughes.
- Author
- Hughes, William, fl. 1665-1683.
- Publication
- London :: Printed by J.C. for William Crook ...,
- 1672.
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"The American physitian, or, A treatise of the roots, plants, trees, shrubs, fruit, herbs, &c. growing in the English plantations in America describing the place, time, names, kindes, temperature, vertues and uses of them, either for diet, physick, &c. : whereunto is added a discourse of the cacao-nut-tree and the use of its fruit, with all the ways of making of chocolate ... / by W. Hughes." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed December 6, 2024.
- title page
- To the Reader.
ON Mr.
Hughes 's TREATISE OFAmerican PLANTS. - The Table.
AMERICA. - White Coral.
- Of Sea-Eggs.
- Of the Sea-Fan, or Sea-Feather.
- Of the Sea-Star-Fish, or by some called the Sea-Star.
- Of Potatoes.
- Of Yams, or Yammes.
- Of Calavanc, or Calavances.
- Of Bonniviss.
- Of the seven years Pease.
- Of Gourds both great and small.
- Of the Water-Melon.
Of the Wheat of
America, or Maiz. - Of the Sugar-Cane, or Reed.
- Of the Prickle Pear-Bush.
- Of the Spanish Pear.
- Of the Dildoe-Tree.
- Of the Goavo-Tree.
- Of the Orange-Trees.
- Of the Lemmon-Tree.
- Of the Lime-Tree.
- Of the Red Pepper-Tree or Bush.
Of the small Red Pepp
r-Tree or Bush. - Of the Sweet-scented Pepper.
- Of the Maucaw-Tree.
- Of the Momin-Tree, or Toddie-Tree.
- Of the Pine-Tree.
- Of the Cocus, or Coco-nut-tree.
- Of the Calabass-Tree.
- Of the Cotton-Tree.
- Of Cotton-bushes, or Shrubs.
- Of the Bonana-Tree.
- Of the Plantan-Tree.
- Of the Indian Cabbage-Tree.
- Of the American Physick-nut:
- Of the Manchinelo-Tree.
- Of the American Plum-trees.
Of the Tree called
Manyoe; of the Root of which the Indian Bread is made, which they callCasava. - Of the Indian Pock-wood.
- Of the Mechoacan.
- Of the Mangrove-Tree.
- Of Semper-Vivens.
- Of a Jessamin-Tree or Bush.
- Of the Cacao-Tree and Fruit.
- Of the External or Putami∣nous part of the Fruit.
Of the Kernels of this Fruit, or the
Cacao's themselves. -
Of the Composition and ma∣king up of
Chocolate. -
Of the simple
Cacao -Kernels -
Of the making of
Chocolate into Drink. -
Another way of making
Cho∣colate. -
Of the vertues of the Drink called
Books printed for, and are to be sold by
Wil∣liam Crook at theGreen Dragon withoutTem∣ple-Bar, 1672.