The register of Bath, or, Two hundred observations containing an account of cures performed, and benefit received, by the vse of the famous hot waters of Bath, in the county of Somerset, as they, for the most part, came under the observation and knowledge of Thomas Guidott, physician there : being great part of this experience of the effects of the baths of Bath, for XXVII years last past.

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The register of Bath, or, Two hundred observations containing an account of cures performed, and benefit received, by the vse of the famous hot waters of Bath, in the county of Somerset, as they, for the most part, came under the observation and knowledge of Thomas Guidott, physician there : being great part of this experience of the effects of the baths of Bath, for XXVII years last past.
Guidott, Thomas, fl. 1698.
London :: Printed by F. Leach for the author, and are to be sold by Randal Taylor ...,

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"The register of Bath, or, Two hundred observations containing an account of cures performed, and benefit received, by the vse of the famous hot waters of Bath, in the county of Somerset, as they, for the most part, came under the observation and knowledge of Thomas Guidott, physician there : being great part of this experience of the effects of the baths of Bath, for XXVII years last past." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 20, 2024.


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John Pyke of Exeter, troubled with a pain in his Heels 7 years, could not stand without much pain, but sit and lye without pain; by four times using the Hot Bath, and standing long on the springs, received cure, 14 October 1682.

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