- FAction. An embittered Faction, a type of Hell, 492. Every Fa∣ction is wont to cry-up themselves, and to cry-down all others, 319, 320. 491. 682. 1060. 1127, 1128. which is carnal and sensual, 320. v. Church.
- Faith in Christ, what, 1075. How gained and encreased, 669. Why God will not let the articles of our Faith be∣come objects of our Sense, 733, 734. If Faith's object were clear, and without difficulty, it would not be Faith, but Knowledge, 41. The Senses help to con∣firm our Faith, 727. Though it be an act of the Understanding, yet it de∣pendeth on the Will, 734. How excel∣lent a grace it is, 274. It is a Prospe∣ctive that presenteth to us things afar off, 241. By it vve see Christ, and lay hold on him, 490. The miserable con∣dition of him that wanteth F. 314. Ma∣ny phansie they have F. that have not, 1048. 1060. We must examine whe∣ther we be in the right F. 735. True and real F. is not idle, or speachless, or dead but active and operative, 241. 765. Faith vvithout Righteousness will deceive them that rely on it, 130. 136. With∣out Charity and Good vvorks it is no∣thing vvorth, 275, 276. Faith and Cha∣rity, like Hippocrates's twins, live and die together, 490. F. is naturally pro∣ductive of good vvorks, 276. F. ju∣stifieth a sinner, but a repentant sinner, 872. It is attended with Hope, 242. It maketh a man slight the threats and pow∣er of Tyrants, 241. It expelleth base Fear, and filleth the heart with courage and confidence, 314. What kind of F. it is that must qualifie and prepare us for Christ's second coming, 1049. The vast difference between a dead F. and a lively F. 316. How St. James and St. Paul may be reconciled in the point of F. 256. Why St. James putteth not Faith into his description of pure Religion, 274, &c. F. hath, as its encreasings, so its decreasings, 458. 465. One that is strong in the F. may want skill to maintain it, 734, 735. We should at all times quicken our F. but then especially vvhen vve come to the Lord's Table, 465. 489, 490. Faith and Charity judge not alike, 837. What maketh men fall from one F. to another, 41, 42. Self-love and Love of the vvorld frame mens Creeds, 734. Many Questions about Faith may well be spared, 1075, 1076.
- Falling from grace. v. Perseverance.
- Familiarity with God, hovv to be held, 757.
- Fanaticks. v. Holy Ghost.
- Fasting, commended, 752. Different kinds of F. 752. Politick hypocriti∣cal Fasts, inveyed against, 277, 278. 1051, &c. Some cry-down Popish F. some all, 750. The ends and use and benefit of F. 753. 791. 1056, 1057. F. is not holiness, but an help to it, 1056. v. Duties.
- Fate. Against them that attribute all to Fate and Destiny, 666. v. Decrees & Necessity. Whether it be Fate that bringeth Kingdoms to their ruine, and not rather something else, 213.
- Fear, what, 387. It may seem the most unprofitable of all the Passions, 387. How great a burden F. is, 936. Plato and Aristotle banish it their Schools, 389 but both God's Law and Christ's Gospel command it, 389, 390. The errours of some Hereticks that cried-down F. as out of date under the Gospel, 392. con∣futed, 393, &c. It is a fair introducti∣on to Piety, 389. It maketh us advise and consult what is best to do, 388. How it worketh and becometh useful to for∣ward our Repentance, 387. &c. It not onely keepeth us from sin, but uphold∣eth us in the way of righteousness, 392. 399. To avoid sin out of Fear is in∣deed an argument of imperfection, but vve need it vvhile vve are here, 395. Fear of God, a soveraign antidote a∣gainst Sin, 258. Want of F. threvv our first Parents out of Paradise, and novv keepeth men out of heaven, 395. Of the distinction of Fear into Servile and Filial, 396. What kind of F. Christ forbiddeth, Luk. xii. 32. 397. God's Children may, yea must, fear punish∣ment, 396, &c. 399. Fear of judgment may vvell consist vvith Love, 391. 394, &c. vvitness Gods Saints and Martyrs, 391. Hovv Love casteth out Fear, 398. Fear beginneth the good vvorks often∣times which Love afterward perfecteth, 926. Fear may stand with Faith, 398. and vvith Hope, 399. Hope and Fear ever go together, 387. Fear keepeth them all in a due temper, 399. Christ telleth us vvhom vve must not fear, and vvhom vve must, 394. We should not fear men,