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The Eighteenth SERMON. (Book 18)
1 COR. XII. 3.Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God, calleth Jesus accursed; and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the holy Ghost.
WE have hitherto detained you in the Lesson; Which is indeed a short one, but in it is comprised the whole Gospel. For when we have let loose our phansie, and sought out many inventions, when we have even wearied our selves in the uncertain gyres and Meanders which our imaginations cut out, when we have laid out that time in following that we cannot overtake which we should have imployed in that work which is visible and put into our hands, when our Curiosity hath even spent it self, this is all, Jesus is the Lord. And to profess him to be the Lord, whom we must obey in all things, who hath power in heaven and in earth, a power to command our Understandings to bow to the Truth, and our Wills to imbrace it, is compendium Evan∣gelii, the sum of Religion, the whole intent and scope of the Gospel of Christ. This is the Lesson. And I told you in the next place, we must learn to say it, that is, first, to Profess it. But that is not enough. All Nations have said it, and the Devils have said it: And what Religion is that in which the sons of perdition and the Devils themselves may joyn with us? What a Profession is that which may be heard in Hell? What a poor progress do we make towards happiness, if the cursed Spirits go along with us and reach as far as we? There is then, secondly, verbum mentis, a word conceived in the mind, a perswasion of the Truth. And this also may come too short. For many times there is not so much Rhe∣torick and power in this to move us to our duty as there is in a piece of money or a painted face to carry us from it; but it lieth useless and of no efficacy at all, suffering our members to rebel, our flesh to riot it, our pas∣sions to break loose and hurry us into by-wayes and dangerous precipices; speaking to us for the Lord, whilst we despise and tread him under foot. For if we consider that intimacy and familiarity that many men have with