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The Sixteenth SERMON. (Book 16)
EZEKIEL XXXIII. 11.As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked. — Turn ye, turn ye from your evil wayes: For why will ye die, O house of Israel?
WE have here a sudden and vehement out-cry, Turn ye, turn ye. And those events which are sudden and ve∣hement (the Philosopher telleth us) do 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, leave some notable mark and impression behind them. An earthquake shaketh and dislocateth the earth; a whirlwind rendeth the mountains, and breaketh in pieces the rocks. What is sudden, at once striketh us with fear and admiration.* 1.1 Certainly reverenter pensandum est, saith the Father; This call of the Prophet requireth a se∣rious and reverent consideration. For if this vehement ingemination be not sharp and keen enough to enter our Souls, and divide asunder the joynts and the marrow, here is a Quare moriemini? a Reason to set an edge on them. If his gracious and earnest call, his Turn and his Turn will not turn us, he hath placed Death in the way, the King of terrours, to affright us. If we be not willing to dye, we must be willing to turn. If we will hear Reason, we must hearken to his Voice. And if he thus sendeth his Prophets and his voice from heaven after us, if he make his Justice and Mercy his joynt Commissioners to force us back; if he invite us to turn, and threaten us if we do not turn, either Love or Fear must prevail with us to turn with all our hearts.
And in this is set forth the singular mercy of our most gracious God. Parcendo admonet, ut corrigamur poenitendo. Before he striketh he speak∣eth. When he bendeth his bow, when his deadly arrows are on the string, yet his warning flieth before his shaft, his word is sent out before the judgment, the lightning is before his thunder. Ecce, saith Origen, antequam vulneramur monemur. When we (as the Israelites here) are running on into the very jaws of Death, when we are sporting with our destruction in articulo mortis, when Death is ready to seise on us, and the pit openeth her mouth to take us in, the Lord calleth and calleth again, Turn ye, turn ye from your evil wayes. And if all this be too little, if we still venture on and drive forward in forbidden and dangerous wayes, he draweth a sword against us, and setteth before us the horrour of death