A general epistle to Friends and all people to read over and consider in the fear of God ...
Fox, George, 1624-1691.

Concerning gathering in the Name of Jesus.

CHrist Jesus the Second Adam, who came amongst the Sons of Fallen Adam, you may see the beginning of his setting up his Meetings, when he saith, Where two or three are gathered together in my Name I am in the midst of them: so you see here Christ begins with a few, two or three, for there was the gathering of the Jews, Scribes and Pharisees, their Temple and Synagogues: and likewise there was the gathering of the Heathen to Diana's Temple; and all them that gathered in the Name of Jesus came from the Jews Sy∣nagogue and Temple, and likewise the Gentiles, into the Name of Jesus; for they who are gathered in the Name of Jesus, whose Name is above every name, and there is no Salvation by any other name under the whole Heaven, but by the Name of Jesus, into which the gathering is, where all know their Salvation; and so who are gathered into the Name of Jesus, are gathered into the Power and Authority: for you know when a Tax or Assessment is gathered in the name of the Head, or Heads of a Nation, it comes in a Power and Authority, that you obey it either actively or passively.

And so who are gathered in the Name of Jesus, they are gather∣ed in the Power, the Second Adam, whose Power and Authority is Page  22above the Power of the first Adam's Sons and Daughters; by which Power, and in whose names their People are gathered; but Christ whose Name is above every name, and there is no Salvation by any other Name under Heaven, but by the Name of Jesus; and they that be gathered in this Name of Jesus, by the Power in which they know their Salvation, and they do see that there is no Salvation by any other name under the whole Heaven, nor Gather∣ing by which they gather, they bid farewel to all other names and gatherings under Heaven, as knowing there is no Salvation but in the Name of Jesus; and this fulfils Jacob's Prophesie, who saith, The Law shall not depart from between Judah's feet until Shilo come, and the Gathering of all Nations shall be unto him; so then its clear, if the Gatheeing of all Nations be unto Christ, they must forsake all that into which they were gathered: And therefore that makes all the Heads of the National Wayes to be angry that holds them up; and therefore with such The Lamb makes War in Righteousness, going on Conquering and to Conquer, that he may Rule whose Right it is, that he might subdue all things to himself, in whose Name all things are to be done, and in whom all People are to be gathered, whom God hath given for Salvation to the ends of the Earth: And likewise this doth fulfil Moses prophesie, who said, Like unto me will God raise up a Prophet, whom in all things the People shall hear, who is the Salvation to the ends of the Earth, to whom the Gathering of all Nations must be, and they who be gathered in his Name do and must hear him in all things, by whom all things were made and created, who was glorified with the Father before the World began.