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An Epistle to all People upon the Earth to read over, that they may see what the people called Quakers hold concerning God, Christ, &c.
ALL what is written of in the Law, the Prophets and the Gospel in the new Testament, and before the Law con∣cerning God, Christ, and his Birrh, and Miracles, and Suf∣ferings, and his Resurrection, we own; and all the Pro∣mises, as the first Promise, the Seed of the Woman shall bruise the Serpents head, which is Christ Jesus; and how that he through death destroyed Death, and the power of death, the Devil; and how that Christ being the Priest made higher then the Heavens, af∣ter the order of Melchisedeck, ends the Levitical Priesthood; and how that he by one offering offered himself once for all, ends all the Jews Offerings that were typical of him, (figures and shadows) and put down the Sacrifices; and Christ by his Blood which cleans∣eth from all sin, whose Blood was shed for all men, puts an end to the blood of Bulls and goats, which was to be offered and sprink∣led upon the Jews, which Blood of Christ every one must feel sprinkling their Consciences from dead works to serve the Living God; and also Christs Righteousness, we own; who is the the Lord our Righteousness, by which self righteousness, mans righteousness, which is as filthy rags, is denied; and the righteous∣ness of the Law among the Iews, the Righteousness of Christ ends: and people are to be saved by it; and not that people should live in their sins, and live in their own unrighteousness, nor in the righteousness of the works of the Law of the Iews; and not that People should profess Christ, and live in their own unrighte∣ousness and sins, and die in them; for Christ came to take away sin, and to make an end of sin and finish transgression; and every