The exercise of the foot with the evolutions, according to the words of command, as they are explained : as also the forming of battalions, with directions to be observed by all colonels, captains and other officers in Their Majesties armies.
England and Wales. Army.
Page  55

Here follows the Exercise of a Granadeer, with the Expla∣nation, beginning when they are under Arms, viz. the Fire-lock Shouldered.

THE Posture, and what a Granadeer is further to ob∣serve in the Exercise of his Arms, is fully shewn in the General Observa∣tions, where the Musket is Treated of.

It is also to be Observed, That when the Granadeers stand in a Bo∣dy with the Musketeers, that they then must make the same Motions as the Musketeers, because they do not then meddle with their Gra∣nades or Bayonets.

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Words of Com∣mand.Explanation.
Take heed Granadeers, to Exercise your Fire-locks. 
1. Ioyn your Right Hand to your Fire-locks.

1. THis is done the same way as that of the Musket, Explan. 1.

2. Poise your Fire-locks.

2. This is done the same way as that of the Musket, Explan. 2.

3. Ioin your Left Hand to your Fire-locks.

3. This is done as that of the Musket, in Ex∣plan. 3. except that you are to take up the Sling, and join it with your Left Hand under your Fire-lock, and your Right Thumb upon the Cock, and your Fore-finger upon the Tricker, and the other Fingers behind, or below the Guard.

4. Cock your Fire-locks.

4. Keep your Thumb upon the Cock, and bring up your Fire∣lock with both Hands straight before you, Page  58at the same time bring∣ing up your Right Foot, your Arms half stretched out, that you may the more easily bend the Cock, tell 1, 2, and then Cock, thrusting your Fire∣lock nimbly from you with both Hands, hold∣ing your Thumb up∣on the Cock, without touching the Tricker with your Fingers, keep your Arms out∣stretched before your Body.

5. Present.

5. In Presenting, you take away your thumb Page  59from the Cock, and do as is shewn in Explan. 10. except that you are not to open your Pan.

6. Give Fire.

6. This is done as with the Musket, in Ex∣plan. 11.

7. Recover your Arms.

7. This is done as with the Musket in Ex∣plan. 12.

8. Handle your Slings.

8. Turn with both Hands the Fire-lock, that your Lock come outwards, holding it Page  60with your Right Hand before your Body, the thumb upwards, draw with you Left Hand your Sling quickly in an equal line, with your Fire-lock to the Left Side, the Thumb upwards, and stand thus till the following word of Command.

9. Sling your Fire-locks on your Soulders

9. Bring your Sling with your Left Hand just above your Right Shoulder, and at the same time bring your Fire-lock with your Right Hand under your Left Elbow; Page  61bring the Sling over your Head, draw the Sling with your Left Hand in the letting loose of the Right, that the Fire-lock hang upon your right Shoulder, with the Muzzel up, and the Butt-end downwards; tell 1, 2, let loose your Left Hand, and let it hang straight down as the Right Hand.

10. Handle your Matches.

10. Bring both Hands readily with half out∣stretched Arms before your Body, about the heighth of your Shoul∣der; Page  62take at the same time, with your Right Hand, the lowermost end of the Match, your Thumb under, and your two foremost Fingers above; tell 1, 2, and bring it over the back of your Hand between your Thumb and your two fore Fingers; tell 1, 2, thrust out the Left Hand with the Match quickly forwards, let∣ting at the same time the Right Hand hang down upon the Bag.

11. Handle your Granades.

11. Keep your Left Hand in its former Posture, face nimbly upon the Left Foot to the Right, at the same time lifting up the co∣ver of your Granade Pouch with your right Hand, take the Gra∣nade; tell 1, 2, bring it with an out-stretched Arm, in a straight Line with your Left Hand, your Thumb against the Fuse, and stand in this Posture.

12. Open your Fuse.

12. Hold still your Left Hand, and bring the Page  64Granade to your mouth with your Right Hand, tell 1, 2, open the Fuse with your Teeth, tell again 1, 2, and thrust it nimbly from you to its former place.

13. Guard the Fuse with your Thumb.

13. Cover the Fuse with your Thumb, without making any other mo∣tion.

14. Blow your Matches.

14. Bring up the Match before your Mouth, tell 1, 2, blow it off hard and quick, and thrust it at the same time to its former place.

15. Fire and throw your Granades

15. Meet the Granade with your Left Hand, a little downwards towards the Righ Side, as the Arms w••• best permit, to which side you turn your Bo∣dy and Face a little, fire the Fuse, tell slow∣ly 1, 2, 3, in which telling bring back the Right Hand a little, with the Granade, throw it with a stiff Arm; stepping forward with the Right Foot, in an equal Line with the Left, bringing down the Left Hand with the Match to the Page  66former place, letting the Right Hand hang down by the Pouch; remain in that Posture, and expect the follow∣ing Command.

16. Return your Matches.

16. Bring again both Hands straight before your Body, as in Ex∣plan. 10. take the Match, put it in its former place, in such a manner as in the Exercise of the Mus∣ket, Explan. 13. tell 1, 2, and let both Arms hang down by your Body.

17. Handle your Slings.

17. Take the middle of the Sling with your Right Hand, and with the Left Hand below, about a Hands breadth from the Fire-lock, lift up the Fire-lock with the Left Hand, so that the Elbow comes through under the Fire-lock, lying upon the Arm and Shoulder; let go your Left Hand from the Sling, and take hold of your Fire-lock about a Hands breadth a∣bove the Lock; let the Stock come to lie between the Thumb Page  68and the two foremost Fingers, and hold it so with a stretched Arm so much as the Slings will permit, with the Butt-end be∣fore you.

18. Poise your Fire-lock.

18. Bring the Sling with your Right Hand over your Head, and your Pire-lock with your Left Hand, and mount it with half stretched Arms, the Barrel turn∣ed forwards, let go your Right Hand from the Sling, turn your Fire-lock with your Left Hand, that the Page  69Lock come outwards, and put at the same time your Right Hand under the Cock, the Thumb upwards, then thrust the Fire-lock quickly from you, let go your Left Hand; at the same time you must observe that your Right Hand must be equal with your Shoul∣der.

19. Cast about to Charge.

19. Take the Fire-lock with your Left Hand, about a hands breadth from the Lock, the Thumb upwards, turn it about that the Bar∣rel Page  70come outwards, and do further as in the Exercise of the Musket Explan. 19. was directed.

20. Draw your Bayonets.

20. Bring your Fire-lock with both your Hands to your Body, tell 1, 2, take your Bayonet with your Right Hand, tell again 1, 2, draw it, and bring it with an out∣stretched Arm straight before your Body in a right line with your Shoulder, holding the Bayonet, and the Thumb upwards, and Page  71the flat of the Blade towards your Body.

21. Screw your Bayonets in the Muzzels.

21. Put your Bayonet in the Barrels, tell 1, 2, turning about the Guard towards you, that it may lye fast, and flat, take hold of the Muzzel of your Fire-lock with your right hand, the thumb upwards, tell 1, 2, thrusting it with both Arms nimbly from your Body.

22. Rest your Bayonets.

22. Mount your Bayo∣net with both Hands, Page  72turning at the same time, without resting, upon the Left Heel, to the Right; As you Face let go your Right Hand, and bring it un∣der the Cock, that the Barrel be turned to∣wards your Body, tell 1, 2, fall back Hand and Foot, and keep the Posture shewn you in the resting of the Musket, Explan. 37.

23. Charge your Bayonets Breast high.

23. Bring your Bayonet nimbly up with both hands; and the bring∣ing up of your Right Page  73Foot, in which bring∣ing up, you bring your Right Hand under, so that the Butt rest up∣on your Fingers, the Thumb outwards up-the Butt-end, tell 1, 2, fall back with your Right Foot, charge your Bayonet Breast high, in which char∣ging the Butt-end lies in a full Right Hand, and the Thumb upon it.

24. Cast about your Bayo∣nets to the left side.

24. Bring up your Fire-Lock straight before you, with the bringing up of your Right Foot; letting loose at the Page  74same time your Right Hand from the Butt, and bring it under the Cock, turn your Fire-Lock with both your Hands, so that the Bar∣rel comes outwards, tell 1, 2, then proceed further as has been shewn in the Casting about the Musket, Explan. 19, except that in stepping for∣ward with your Right Foot, you lay your Right Hand upon the guard of your Bayo∣net, and at once turn it from you, remain∣ing thus with out∣stretched Arms till the Page  75following Command.

25. Recover your Bayonets.

25. Bring your Bayonet with both Hands to your Body, tell 1, 2, Draw it out of the Barrel, hold it out with a stretched Arm before your Body, as in Explan. 20. is shewn.

26. Put up your Bayonets.

26. Turn your Bayonet with the Point down∣wards, on your Left Side; tell 1, 2, put it in the Scabbard; tell again 1, 2, take hold of your Fire-lock with Page  76your Right Hand by the Muzzel, thrusting it readily from you, with stretched Arms.

27. Half Cock your Fire-locks.

27. Bring your Fire-locks with both Hands mounted before your Body, as in Explan. 4. the Barrel turned to∣wards your Body, Fa∣cing to the Right, upon the Left Heel, with∣out intermission; in which Turning you let go your Right Hand, take hold of the Cock with the Right Thumb, your Fingers under against the Page  77Guard, as in Explan. 3. tell 1, 2, and half bend your Cock, then bring the same Hand under the Cock, holding your Fire-lock exact∣ly and readily before you, in such a Posture as often has been shewn.

28. Blow your Pans.

28. Do this as with the Musket, Explan. 14.

29. Handle your Primers.

29. This is done as with the Musket, Ex∣plan. 15. onely the Muzzel is held a little lower.

30. Prime.

30. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 16.

31. Shut your Pans.

31. Let fall your Pri∣mer, take hold of the side of the Steel with your Thumb upwards, and your two foremost Fingers under, shut your Pan, tell slowly 1, 2, and do further as in the Handling of the Musket in Explan. 17. is shewn.

32. Cast about to Charge.

32. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 19.

33. Handle your Cartridges.

33. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 20.

34. Open your Cartridges.

34. Bring the Cartridge before your Mouth, bite off the top, tell 1, 2, and bring it a∣gain to its former place, holding the Cartridge with the Thumb upwards.

35. Charge with your Cartrid∣ges.

35. Bring the Cartridge just before the Muz∣zel, turn it up with your Hand, put it in the Barrell, holding your two foremost Page  80Fingers upon the Muz∣zel till the following word of Command.

36. Draw forth your Ram∣mers.

36. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 25.

37. Hold them up.

37. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 26.

38. Shorten them against your Breast.

38. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 27.

39. Put them in the Barrels.

39. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 28.

40. Ram down your Charge.

40. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 29.

41. Recover your Rammers.

41. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 30.

42. Hold them up.

42. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 31.

43. Shorten them against your Breasts.

43. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 32.

44. Put them in their places.

44. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 33.

45. Your Right Hand under the Locks.

45. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 34.

46. Poise your Fire-locks.

46. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 35.

47. Shoulder your Fire-locks.

47. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 36.

48. Rest your Fire-locks.

48. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 1, 2. tell then 1, 2, and do further as with the Musket, Explan. 3. onely putting your Thumb upon the Cock, and the Fingers Page  83under, against the Guard.

49. Order your Fire-locks.

49. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 38.

50. Lay down your Fire-locks.

50. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 39.

51. Take up your Fire-locks.

51. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 40.

52. Rest your Fire-locks.

52. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 41. but with the diffe∣rence as here above in Explan. 49.

53. Club your Fire-locks.

53. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 42.

54. Rest your Fire-locks.

54. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 43, yet with the dif∣ference aforesaid in Explan. 48.

55. Shoulder your Fire-locks.

55. This is done as with the Musket, Explan. 44, only putting your Right Hand under the Cock before the bring∣ing up of your Fire-Lock.


Take heed to make ready to give Fire at Three Words of Command.

56. 1. Make ready.

56. This is done as in the first Three Ex∣planations is largely shewn.

2. Present.

This is done as in Explan. 4 and 5.

3. Give Fire.

This done as in Ex∣plan. 6 and 7.


Take heed to make ready to Fire and throw your Granades at Three Words of Command.

57. 1 Make ready.

57. This is done as is shewn from Explan. 8 to 13 inclusive.

2 Blow your Matches.

This is done as in Explan. 14.

3. Fire and throw your Granades.

This is done as in Explan. 15.


Take heed to make ready to use your Bayonets.

58. 1. Make ready.

58. This is done as hath been shewn before in the Manual, from Ex∣plan. 16 to Explan. 22 inclusive.

2. Charge your Bayonets Breast high.

This is done as in Explan. 23.


Take heed to make ready your Fire-locks again.

59. Make ready your Fire-locks.

59. This is likewise done as hath at large been shewn in the Exercise of the Grana-deer, from Explan. 24 to Explan. 47 inclu∣sive.