The Examinations and informations under oath of Sir Thomas Cooke and several other persons lately taken before a committee of both Houses of Parliament, touching divers indirect practices to procure by corrupt and unlawful means a new charter and act of Parliament for the East-India Company : as also, the articles of impeachment by the Honourable House of Commons against the Duke of Leeds : with His Grace's answer thereunto.
England and Wales. Parliament.

A Paper delivered at the Conference de∣sired by the Commons the 3d of May, 1695.

THat the Commons will make good the Charge against the Duke of Leeds, in manner and form as in the Articles mentioned. And that the Com∣mittee, who were appointed to draw the said Articles, have been daily employed in looking into Evidence against the said Duke; And that in the Preparation of that Evidence they meet with an Obstruction, that Monsieur Robart, who appeared by the Depositions before the Committee of both Houses to be a materi∣al Witness, is withdrawn since the Impeachment car∣ried up, which hath been the reason that the Com∣mons have not yet acquainted your Lordships when they can be ready to make good the said Impeach∣ment; The Commons being desirous that Justice be done without any manner of Delay.