The English midwife enlarged containing directions to midwives; wherein is laid down whatever is most requisite for the safe practising her art. Also instructions for women in their conceiving, bearing and nursing of children. With two new treatises, one of the cure of diseases and symptoms happening to women before and after child-birth. And another of the diseases, &c. of little children, and the conditions necessary to be considered in the choice of their nurses and milk. The whole fitted for the meanest capacities. Illustrated with near 40 copper-cuts.
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SECT. IV. Of the bruises and rents of the outward parts of the Womb, caused by La∣bors.

THese happen from the bigness of the Child's head, which makes her cry in her first-Labor, that the Midwife scratches those parts when 'tis the head makes a sepa∣ration of the parts, and bruises and somtimes rents them; of which they are not insensible after Labors. These must not be neglected least they turn to malignant Ulcers; then as soon as she's lay'd, if there be only simple bruises, apply the Pultis before directed, to those parts to ease pain, very warm for 5 or 6 hours, then lay some few rags dipt in Oil of St. John's wort, on each side, and renew∣ing them twice or thrice a day, foment with Barley water and Honey of Roses, and when she makes water defend them with fine rags.

If the bruises be great, and inflam'd, and an Impostume follows, it must be open'd and Page  253 cur'd by the Chyrurgeon; as also when by an unlucky accident the Privity and Fundament is rent in one; which when cur'd she will be oblig'd, if she happen to be with Child, to prevent the like, to anoint the parts with soft'ning Oils and Ointments, and forbear helping her throws too strongly at once; but usually when these parts have been once rent, 'tis very difficult to prevent the like, because the scar streightens the parts. Last∣ly if by neglecting such a rent, the Lips be cicatriz'd and the cure be desired; 'tis the Chyrurgeons business.