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Title:  The novelty of popery, opposed to the antiquity of true Christianity against the book of Cardinal Du Perron, entituled, A reply to the answer of the most serene James, King of Great Britain / by Peter Du Moulin ... ; translated out of the French by the authors eldest son Peter Du Moulin ...
Author: Du Moulin, Pierre, 1568-1658.
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B.WHether St. Peter by Babylon under∣stands Rome. pag. 233Balsamon Patriarch of Antioch equalleth the Bishop of Constantinople to that of Rome. pag. 294That Baptism conferred by women came from ancient Hereticks. pag. 48That Baptism of things inanimate, Bells, Ships and Agnus Dei, came from Pagans and He∣reticks. pag. 48The question of rebaptizing of Hereticks is not a point necessary to salvation. pag. 163In that question both Cyprian and Steven er∣red. ibid. & seq.The Baptim of Infants is proved by our Ad∣versaries by many texts of Scripture. ibid.The belief of the ancients, that infants dy∣ing without Baptism are eternally tormen∣ted in hell. pag. 129The Roman Church shuts them in a dark dungeon, eternal, and burning. And that being in a burning fire they feel no pain. pag. 669That sins both before and after Baptism are both alike blotted out by Christ. pag. 618Of the aspersion or immersion in Baptism; That we have no commandment of God concerning that. pag. 70 797, 798Of spittle in Baptism. pag. 53That the Roman Church holds not Baptism necessary, though she make a shew to be∣lieve the contrary. pag. 664. & seq.The Roman Church holds, that perons come to years of descretion may be saved with∣out Baptism. pag. 665 & seq.Two calumnies of Du Perron about that mat∣ter. pag. 665, 666Explication of this Text, Joh. 3. Ʋnless a man be born by water, &c. pag. 666, 667That Baptism is not absolutely necessary to infants. pag. 667, 668In what sense St. Paul saith, that the children of the faithfull are holy. pag. 668Gregory Nazianzen, Tertullian, Gerson, Lombard, hold Baptism not necessary, so that it be not despised. pag. 669, 670Austins opinion upon this subject. pag. 670The Roman Church holds that the Baptism which Christ conferred, was not necessa∣ry. pag. 670She holds the Baptism of water necessary to salvation. pag. 666That in the defect of Baptism the vow suffi∣ceth. pag. 668That by Baptism original sin is altogether blotted out in infants. ibid. & seq.That the defect of Baptism by water, is sup∣plied by Martyrdom. pag. 668How contemptible Baptism is in the Roman Church. pag. 673. & seq.That it is no less esteemed then confirmation. pag. 674Doctrine of Baptism, and of the vertue and efficacy of the same in the Reformed Churches. pag. 674, 675The Roman Church having deprest Baptism extolleth it with improper praises. pag. 675She makes Baptism conferred by a Pagan better then that which was conferred by Christ. pag. 670 671Second Baptism of the Fathers. pag. 138Baronius maintaineth perjury, and the Popes power to dispense from keeping an oath. pag. 100Destroyeth the succession of Popes. ibid.Understood not the signification of this word Roman in ancient Authors. pag. 117Censureth Fathers. pag. 122A notorious lie of Baronius. pag. 264His boldness to corrupt history, and to bring in Fables. pag. 268He receiveth for true the Fable of Constan∣tines Baptism by Sylvester. pag. 275He makes bold to condemn the Councils of Milevis and Carthage. pag. 330He is taxed by Du Perron of Errour in Histo∣ry. pag. 337He censureth the Emperour Justinian for making Laws about Christian Faith, and Ecclesiastical policy. pag. 380St. Basil complains of the pride of the We∣stern men, and of Damasus Bishop of Rome. pag. 303An opinion of Basil, which the Roman Church rejecteth. pag. 137Basilides and Martial Spanish Bishops, be∣ing degraded, have recourse to the Bishop of Rome. pag. 299Cyprian opposeth himself to the judgement of the Bishop of Rome, and hindreth the restitution of those Bishops. pag. 300Saint Bathaeus suffered worms to crawl about his teeth. pag. 500Beating and whipping ones self are not satis∣factions before God. pag. 619Beatitude is in the Roman Church a degree and expectative of Saintship. pag. 402Bel and the Dragon, that History is fabulous and condemned by Pope Gelasius. pag. 184It is not held Canonical. pag. 179The Church of Rome teaching to believe without knowing, follows ancient Here∣ticks. 0