2. If the Person of the Prince be the Government; it is not for his Ease and Safety, that no Laws, no Submission of the People, can engage his Subjects to this Prince, against a supposed Legal King.
3. It it much more easie to perswade Men to refer the Determination of Legal Rights, to the Legal Autho∣rity of the Estates of the Realm, which the Doctor owns to be conclusive; than to satisfie them that they ought to Swear Allegiance to a King, while a Legal Right remains to his Rival.
4. How much soever Subjects may be harangued into a Neu∣trality, they who assist neither, are likely to be treated as Enemies, which side soever prevails.
But the Philosophy of Hobbs, or Divinity of the Graver Stoicks, agree neither with our Constitution, nor with Gods Methods, in governing the World.
If the first shut God out of the Government, the other brings a Deity upon the Stage, as Familiarly as Poets with their Fictions, or Players in their Machines. And it is observable, that tho God is made the Actor and Authorizer of the Event, he is render'd a Non∣assister of either of these Kings, as well as the Subjects are; Divine Right, and Divine Providence, poizing the Scales.
According to that of the Poet.
Victrix causa Diis placuit, sed victa Catoni.
Where the Hero has a more noble and generous Character than his Gods.
But that I may not only overthrow the Doctors Startleing Scheme of Government, without advancing another, I conceive these Propositions may do more good in the World.
1. That Allegiance is a Legal Bond or Tye, importing Active, as well as Passive Obedience, to Legal Authority.
2. That he to whom Allegiance is not due, is not Legal King, nor has Right so to be; or ever can be, without a new Submission of the People, either of Free Choice, or by Constraint: unless it be by the visible Designation and Appointment of God Almighty.
3. That no Divine Law, or just Inference from thence, sets aside Humane Constitutions suitable to Christianity, and beneficial to Civil Societies.
4. That no Divine Interposition, or Act of God, which is not so visible as may satisfie all Men, before the Success, what is the Will of God; can be said Authoritatively to alter or diminish Rights to Crowns, or the Liberties or Properties of Subjects.