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Title:  Rome in her fruits being a sermon preached on the fifth of November, 1662, near to the standard in Cheapside : in the which sermon the author sets up his standard in opposition to the fruits and practices of Rome, and likewise answers in brief a late pamphlet, entitled Reasons why Roman Catholicks should not be pe[r]s[e]cuted / by Richard Carpenter.
Author: Carpenter, Richard, d. 1670?
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indeed as little suit with dead or dying people: For ex∣ample: The Heavens are alwayes in motion: the Sun takes no rest: Fire is always in action: The Sea never sleeps: The soul is always busy in the exercise of her Faculties, active Vertues and Spirits: The Heart always panting: the eyes are always active when they are open: Life keeps the pulse in continual beating; and the breath alwayes a passenger coming or going. These are numbed amongst the choysest of God's crea∣tu es; and therefore bear more likenesse of him in themselves, than meaner things. These ever work, and shall his Holiness, and we be idle? For the second Branch: The Church of England rightly and righteously draws you to Allegiance by Force: Your different Judgement in matters of Religion is only chastised in a geatle manner with a pecuniry mulct: Yea the Priests themselves are not otherwise punished, but as unquiet and known Seducers of the people from their Allegiance. And whereas St. Peter, after your stile, the first Pope, set these two so neerly together, Fear God, ho∣nour1 Pet. 2. 17the King; the Church of England solidly concludes, That ye cannot fear nor serve God, except ye honour the the King: and that ye cannot serve the Supeam, except ye honour his Substitute.His second Reason pretends, That the Roman Church must not be persecuted by the old Protestant, as confessing her to be a true Church, and professing her self to be spung from her loynes: he must not defie his Mother for a VVhore. If the old Protestant throughly considers your Whorish false∣hood and prostitution in the practice and exercise of Re∣ligion, truly, That she confesses you to be a true Church, is more her Goodnesse than your Desert. And the Church of England does not spring from the loynes of the Church of Rome as the Church of Rome is a Whore, but as by the great providence of God there hath been preserved a continual succession of Priesthood in her. As the Church of Eng∣land came of her, so she came from her, and communi∣cates not with her in her Whorish considerations. When those occur, she looks beyond them, and honourably de∣rives her self from the most chast and primitive Church. And therefore, the Church of England may desie the Church 0