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Title:  The last legacy of Henry Care, Gent. lately deceased containing a brief sum of Christian doctrine, by way of question and answer : particularly relating to several of the most important points controverted between us, and the Romanists : decided by express testimonies of the Holy Scripture, and evident reason : published for the use of such as are unable to purchase, or comprehend larger and more elaborate tracts.
Author: Care, Henry, 1646-1688.
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2 Thes. 2.9. Revel. 13.14. 3ly, Christ by th¦tures confuted the Heresie of the Sadduces; and same the Apostles convinc'd the Jews, and the Pri Fathers the several Heresies of their times; when¦tullian calls Heretics Lucifugae Scripturarum, such the Light of the Scriptures: And Chrysostom (in Lazar.) saith, The ignorance of the Scriptures hath b¦resies: And in Hom. 58. on John, the same Father us, That the Scriptures do lead us unto God, do driue Heretics, and do not suffer us to o out of the way: S plain, the Scriptures are so far from being the occas Heresies, that it is the only weapon wherewith to and subdue them.Q. They do not say, That the Scripture of its self, as it may be abused, or misunderstood, is the occasioHeresies; and therefore the allowing the promis reading thereof, is dangerous; for does not St. Peter notice, that there are many things hard to be understood, the ignorant and unstable wrest to their own destruction?A. Does it follow, because there are some diff passages in St. Paul's Epistles, (for of them St. speaks) therefore the whole Bible must be lockt up common use? Or does he not rather write Epistles h¦self to be read by all? Why should the Scriptures be ¦fined, since the fault is in men, and not in them? wh the Devil himself abused Scripture, did not our SavioScripture silence him? Or why do they in this respect the Scriptures should breed Heresies more in the people than in the Learned, and the Priests? Since 'tis e¦dent that the first Broachers of the most decry'd Her were very Learned, as Arius a Presbyter, Macedonius a ¦shop, Pelagius a Monk, and Eutiches an Abbot of old, and ¦cinus and others of late; insomuch that St. Jerome saith ¦man can (or does usually) frame an Heresie, but he th of great parts; whilst persons of Learning and know by presuming to be wise above what is written, have 0