A just vindication of the covenant and church-estate of children of church-members as also of their right unto bastisme : wherein such things as have been brought by divers to the contrary, especially by Ioh. Spilsbury, A.R. Ch. Blackwood, and H. Den are revised and answered : hereunto is annexed a refutation of a certain pamphlet styled The plain and wel-grounded treatise touching baptism
Cobbet, Thomas, 1608-1685.

TO draw to a Conclusion, one argument more used by A. R. and which is Mr. B. his first argument against Paedobaptisme, Page  210 would bee cleared it stands thus, the Baptisme of Christ is dipping, the Baptisme of Infants is not dipping, ergo, the Baptisme of In∣fants is not the Baptisme of Christ. Now what hee meaneth by dipping, hee sheweth in his answer to that of washing of cups, &c. which saith hee is not by sprinkling but dipping, yea not onely dipping but totall dipping, washing all over. The weaknesse of the Minor we shall consider in the latter end, and beginning with his Major. The Major of this Syllogisme is fallacious, for baptisme of Christ is washing, Ephes. 5. 25, 26. Heb. 10. 22. 1 Pet. 3. 21. and washing is as well by sprinkling, or powring on of water, yea Christs Baptisme is such a washing as is in way of powring out or sprinkling. Hence Tit. 3. 5. washing of regenera∣tion and renewing of the holy Ghost, which hee hath powred out on us, Vers. 6. Greeke, and in urging their proofe from the diffe∣rence of the Greeke word 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 from 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, which signifieth sprinkling properly, Heb. 9. 13. 19 21. they forget how the holy Ghost termeth all those divers sprinklings, Vers. 10. namely divers 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 which are after named in the followings, Ver. scil. sprink∣ling the blood of Bulls, &c. Vers. 10. 13. 19. 21. compared. So then by the interpretation of the holy Ghost which is more then a thousand Authors, baptismes are sprinklings, and sprinklings are baptismes. Hence speaking to the inchurched Hebrews, as allu∣ding to their legall sprinklings, hee calleth baptisme, baptismes (Heb. 6.) in the plurall number; yet Ephes. 4. there is but one bap∣tisme: & it's observable how the Author to the Hebrews in speaking of baptisme alludeth and relateth to their legall baptismes or sprinklings, and therefore calleth them baptismes. Now who knoweth not, that children were sprinkled with that typicall blood as well as others, to note the necessitie of the sprinklings of them also with that blood? Yea since the Hebrews in Church estate; for such they were, witnesse that Heb. 10. 24, 25. and 13. 17. had such baptisme amongst them of persons suitable to the legall baptismes with blood, why should not we conclude baptizing of their chil∣dren too as well as of growne persons to bee in use with them ac∣cording to the type of that ceremoniall sprinkling?

A. R. his reason makes rather against him too, if [〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉] joyned with baptisme signifie [in] and never [with] then baptizing (saith hee) must bee dipping and not sprinkling. To which I re∣ply, if [〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉] joyned with baptizing, signifie [with] and not [in] then by way of contrary, baptizing is sprinkling and not dip∣ping: Page  211 now in the very places quoted by A. R. 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 put after the word 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 signifyeth [with] and not [in] Matth. 3. 11. Hee shall baptize you 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 with the holy Ghost and with fire, and not in it; which is expounded by Acts 11. 16, 17. the holy Ghost fell on them, and Acts 1. 5. compared with 2. 17. it is expoun∣ded by powring out of the Spirit; nay Luke in mentioning the very signe, leaveth out [〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉] Luke 3. 16. and Acts 11. 16. I baptize you 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, which (if grammatically rendred) is not [in] but [with] water. Besides, it's most suitable to Sacramentall actions: which are signes to hold proportion to the thing signified; where∣fore also it is so rendered in mentioning the signatum; hence men∣tion is made of sprinkling the Nations by Christ, Esay 52. 15. and of the blood of sprinkling, Heb. 12. 24. 1 Pet. 1. 2. See more Ezek 35. 25, 26. Esay 43. 3, 4. Joel 2. with Acts 2. Sprinkling or pow∣ring of water most fitly expresseth the maine thing properly sig∣nified and sealed visibly 〈◊〉 baptisme, scil. first grace; wherein the Spirit applyeth, not us to the Word, or to Christ, (as in dipping the party is applied to the water, and not the water to him) but the Word and Christ to us, as first in order of nature, 1 Cor. 12. 13.

But baptizing is burying with Christ?

It is not necessary the resemblance should hold fully un∣lesse as none is buried before they are dead, so wee should bee first dead with Christ in baptisme, and then afterwards buried, which if in baptisme too, and so to be twice baptized; but if the allusion bee urged, it is for us rather, wee use not to bury men by throw∣ing them downe with their faces downeward, as when persons are dived with their faces under water, but by laying them in with their faces upwards; nor doe wee plunge them into the dust and earth, but powre and sprinkle dust and broken earth upon them. When Christ was baptized of John in Jordan it's said hee went downe, &c. but was hee therefore by John dived into the water? Yes say you, what in his clothes? then his clothes too were bapti∣zed with him, as I may say, but how then is it said he came straight∣way out of the water, Marke 1. 10. and vers. 1, 2. immediatly the spirit drives him into the Wildernesse? what in that dung wet case as wee say, is that probable? Luke saith, Chap. 3. 21. when all the people were baptized, hee also was baptized: women also then were baptized openly, for it was a Church action, and if they were dived were they not stript? how improbable is it that they Page  212 were ducked in all their clothes, & if they were stripped in whole or in part, would Christ be present at such immodest spectacles? That women were baptized by John, see Matth. 21. 31. 32. compared with Luke 7. 39. and Matth. 3. 4, 5, 6. Nicephorus his story, lib. 13. chap. 19. of the flying of the women naked being beset with armed men as they were to bee baptized; and that sad story of a Priest defiling of a woman when to bee baptized; besides the sad plunges which they were of old put to, when they tooke up this course of diving baptized persons in such sort, witnesse that order of the fourth Carthage councell, Can. 4. touching widowes bap∣tizing of women and other like acts mentioned in Justinian, be∣sides the mischiefe of restrayning baptisme to certaine times of the yeare in cold countries, and sundry other sad consequencies of such a course, might bee propounded, but thus much for the Major. The Minor of Mr. Bs. Syllogisme is weake also; since some which hold paedobaptisme, yet baptize by dipping; therefore wee shall thus retort Mr. Bs. Syllogisme. Baptisme by dipping is the bap∣tisme of Christ: but with sundry Ministers, baptisme of Infants is baptisme by dipping; therefore with them at least, baptisme of Infants is the baptisme of Christ: so contradictory are Mr. Bs. rea∣sonings to his own principles. And thus much bee spoken from the solid grounds of Scripture to that part of the controverted case touching Infants Baptismall Right.